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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Martha Stewart Worries About 'Depressed' Inmates
Title:US: Martha Stewart Worries About 'Depressed' Inmates
Published On:2005-01-14
Source:Wall Street Journal (US)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 03:44:42

Martha Stewart, one of the nation's most famous felons, has assumed a
new role: prisoner advocate.

In an e-mail to a Wall Street Journal reporter, Ms. Stewart says she
is worried that striking down federal sentencing guidelines, which the
Supreme Court did Wednesday in a landmark ruling, could "depress" some
of her fellow inmates at the minimum-security Federal Prison Camp in
Alderson, W.Va.

In the Jan. 5 e-mail, Ms. Stewart, convicted in federal court in March
2004 for lying about a stock sale, wrote that what worried her most
about a ruling shooting down the sentencing system "is the hope that
the Supreme Court has raised in the minds of so many incarcerated
women and men that their sentences will be automatically shortened if
the court throws out the guidelines."

She added: "It is astonishing how high hopes are in West Virginia, and
I fear that a negative result will cause a severe depression."

The High Court, in twin rulings Wednesday, limited the cases that
could be reconsidered under the new rules to those currently under
appeal or those in which a challenge under the Sixth Amendment right
to a jury trial previously was raised. That means the overwhelming
majority of the nation's 180,000 federal prisoners -- including the
1,050 female inmates at Alderson -- will have no chance of being

The rulings could affect Ms. Stewart, who is appealing her conviction.
She was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum to
five months in prison and five months house arrest, the lowest
possible sentence under the now-unconstitutional federal sentencing

However, Ms. Stewart, the founder of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
Inc., elected to begin serving her prison sentence on Oct. 8 to
"reclaim my life and the quality of life for all those related to me,"
she said at a news conference in September. She is scheduled to be
released March 6.

Ms. Stewart could ask to be resentenced in the wake of the court
decision. But with less than two months left in her prison term, it
seems unlikely, because an appeals court would have to send her case
back to a lower court.

David Chesnoff, a Las Vegas lawyer representing Ms. Stewart in her
appeal, said her legal team believes that the dual Supreme Court
rulings "impact Martha, and we're having discussions with her to
evaluate her options." Mr. Chesnoff declined to elaborate.

But Manhattan U.S. Attorney David Kelley, whose office prosecuted Ms.
Stewart, said: "The judge sentenced Martha Stewart well within the
guidelines range and a reading of the Supreme Court opinion would
suggest that sentence was clearly a reasonable sentence."

Since entering prison after her conviction for lying about why she
unloaded shares of ImClone Systems Inc. stock before the price dropped
in 2001, Ms. Stewart has publicly called for sentencing reform.

In an open letter posted on her Web site in December, Ms. Stewart
urged people to "think about these women -- to encourage the American
people to ask for reforms, both in sentencing guidelines, in length of
incarceration for nonviolent first-time offenders, and for those
involved in drug-taking." She wrote that in prison, there is "no real
help, no real programs to rehabilitate, no programs to educate."

In her e-mail to a reporter, Ms. Stewart said many of Alderson's
inmates are there for long periods of time, many "unfairly or unwisely
because of the guidelines, enhancements and conspiracies."

The issue that triggered Wednesday's High Court ruling was the
guidelines' allowance for judges to boost sentences based on so-called
enhancements, factors that weren't admitted to by defendants or ruled
on by juries. The Supreme Court said this issue violated defendants'
Sixth Amendment rights to jury trials.

"As you can imagine," Ms. Stewart wrote in her e-mail, "when one gets
to talk to these women, most first offenders, and many perfectly nice
'neighbors next door,' it is mind boggling to understand that they
have four, six and fifteen years to serve away from family, friends,
jobs and homes. It is indeed pitiable."

Ms. Stewart, who had never spoken out about treatment of prisoners
before entering prison, is far from the first high-profile federal
inmate to speak out on the issue. Others have included Charles W.
Colson, a former aide to President Richard Nixon, convicted on
Watergate-related charges, and Jean Harris, a former schoolteacher who
murdered her high-society lover, Scarsdale Diet book author Herman
Tarnower in 1980.

After leaving prison, Mr. Colson founded Prison Fellowship Ministries
in 1976, which has since become the world's largest outreach to
prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families. Ms. Harris, granted
clemency in 1992, founded an organization that continues to support
and educate prisoners' children.

"Martha Stewart couldn't walk into a garden without doing a little
weeding," Ms. Harris said in a recent interview. "And there's a lot of
weeding to do in those prisons."
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