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News (Media Awareness Project) - US RI: Edu: PUB LTE: Stop Marijuana Arrests
Title:US RI: Edu: PUB LTE: Stop Marijuana Arrests
Published On:2005-01-21
Source:Good 5 Cent Cigar (U of RI: Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 02:48:07

01/21/05 - To the Cigar,

And the cycle continues. After reading through the semester's first issue
of the Good Five Cent Cigar, I discovered that URI has not changed much
since last semester. The Cigar reported on three students who had been
arrested for the same crime in the span of one month. The crime? Burglary?
Vandalism? Sexual assault? No. Marijuana possession.

Last semester, when URI Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) launched
our campaign to reduce the number of marijuana arrests on campus, we were
quickly told by campus police and administrators that marijuana arrests are
actually very rare on campus! But day after day, we open these off-white
pages only to read about some poor student whose muffler was a little too
loud, or who ran a stop sign, or who looked a little nervous with a
flashlight in his eyes, and ended up handcuffed and jailed by URI's finest.

We actively tried to educate campus police as to the futility and societal
injury of pursuing a relentless war on drug users. We personally invited
them to speak with a retired New Jersey State Police Officer who, after
working 12 years as an undercover narcotics agent, is now in favor of
legalizing marijuana. But not one officer showed up, and the futile pattern
of arrests continue with the university remaining in a constant state of
denial about the ramifications of their actions.

Dean of Students, Fran Cohen, actually sent SSDP a letter claiming that it
was not the police or administration's intent to "ruin students lives."
Perhaps Miss Cohen is unaware that a marijuana arrest often results in a
criminal record, expensive fines, time out of classes, and worst of all,
the denial of federal financial aid for college! Miss Cohen, you should
instead send a letter to these students explaining to them your intent. I
doubt they would be very impressed.

So yes, the cycle continues. Fortunately, I know that some URI Police
Officers are sensible in using their discretion, and do not arrest students
simply for the possession of marijuana. However, if we are to truly foster
an atmosphere of trust between students and administrators, then we must
issue a direct order to campus police to make non-violent marijuana
violations the lowest enforcement priority.

If your intent is not to ruin student's lives, then prove it.


Micah Daigle, Students for Sensible Drug Policy
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