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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NC: PUB LTE: There Have Been Too Few Victories In Drug War
Title:US NC: PUB LTE: There Have Been Too Few Victories In Drug War
Published On:2005-01-26
Source:Smoky Mountain News (NC)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 02:28:07

To the Editor:

Our country has been fighting a "war on drugs" for decades. We -- and our
congressional representatives -- should be asking some important questions
before any more money is appropriated for this so-called war. Twenty-five
years and $25 billion later, are we any closer to solving the key problem,
which is reducing drug abuse and availability in the United States?

Presumably, the aim of U.S. international drug control policy is to reduce
or eliminate the supply of illicit drugs in this country. But the price of
cocaine and heroin are at a near all-time low in spite of intensive efforts
to eradicate shipments.

According to a recent report by the Washington Office on Latin America
(WOLA), "the supply reduction model does not work, and second, this model
has sparked conflict, fueled human rights violations, and undermined
democracy in countries where drugs are produced and trafficked." I saw this
going on with my own eyes when in Colombia with Christian Peacemaker Teams
a year ago.

WOLA goes on to say that we need a new drug control policy that gets at the
roots of the drug problem by channeling more resources to prevention and
treatment in the U.S. and to economic development in Latin America, while
continuing to go after criminal organizations that engage in large-scale
trafficking of drugs and arms.

In order to develop more effective drug policies, we must honestly assess
whether or not we are moving closer to our goal -- reducing drug abuse in
this country. Serious evaluation of present polices and open-minded debate
on drug control alternatives are sorely needed if we hope to make any
progress. A more effective, humane policy should be based on the
recognition that, while controlling illicit drug abuse is a legitimate and
important goal, drugs will be produced as long as there is demand for them,
and Latin American farmers have neither the means nor the markets to
successfully grow legitimate crops.

Doug Wingeier

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