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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NC: Edu: A Date With Mary Jane
Title:US NC: Edu: A Date With Mary Jane
Published On:2005-01-27
Source:East Carolinian (NC Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 02:24:15

Marijuana, Effects, Consequences

Weed, pot, grass - no matter the slang it's still the same thing -
marijuana. Although the potency or quality may vary, all of it is
mind-altering. All kinds have THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) along
with over four hundred other chemicals. The amount of THC in marijuana
has steadily been increasing since the 1970s.

THC is strongly absorbed by fatty tissue and traces of THC can be
detected several days after a smoking session. Heavy users can have
traces detected after weeks. Marijuana is usually smoked as a blunt or
in a pipe or bong.

One main question lingers in the minds of people nationwide - Why do
people smoke marijuana?

There are many reasons why teens start smoking marijuana.

"I started smoking in the 11th grade because my friends did. I've been
doing it ever since," said a freshman at ECU.

"It helps me relax and just have chill-time," said a sophomore at

Many hear about it in song lyrics, see it used in movies or see their
older siblings doing it and think it's cool. Although reasons vary,
the number one reason most people smoke pot is due to peer pressure.

The drug affects each person differently. Some feel relaxed, thirsty
and very hungry - this effect is referred to as "the munchies." Others
have a sudden feeling of anxiety and paranoia. This is more likely to
happen when a more potent type of marijuana is smoked.

Marijuana may seem harmless, but in reality it highly affects your
abilities in school, sports, relationships and your future. Using this
drug on a regular basis causes problems with memory and learning.
Sounds, time and your perception in general are affected while you are
high. Your heart rate increases and your motor skills are delayed,
which makes things like driving very risky. When you get high and do
something like drive it puts others at danger as well as yourself. Why
should someone else have to pay for a decision you have made?

If you are high, you are more likely to make embarrassing mistakes or
even hurt yourself. If you smoke for a long time you begin to lose
interest in academics and begin to feel less motivated to do things.
Physical activities and other things that require effort slowly fade
out of your life. As for athletes - pot completely throws off your
performance in timing, movements and coordination. Marijuana affects
your judgment and decision making skills, which may cause you to do
something you wouldn't usually do.

The regular use of "weed" may cause cancer and problems with your
respiratory system. Breathing problems often occur, such as coughing
and wheezing. THC - the main active chemical in this drug - damages
the cells and tissues making it more difficult for your body to fight
colds and infections.

"I smoke weed, but know I can stop when I want to," stated a
19-year-old at ECU.

Although this teen, and many others strongly believe this to be true,
studies have shown that long-term use can lead to addiction. (This
study was geared towards teens that had prior antisocial problems.)
Addiction is when these teens are fulfilling their urges by smoking
more marijuana, even though it negatively affects their families,
relationships, school performance and any physical activities.

Information is out there and the "anti-drug" campaigns are being sent
nationwide. The decision of making this a drug-free America lies
within the hands of today's teens. But let me warn you - a recent
study predicted that more than 60 percent of teens will be smoking
marijuana by 2008. Now is the time to set a good example for
tomorrow's leaders.
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