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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WV: Witnesses' Use Questioned
Title:US WV: Witnesses' Use Questioned
Published On:2005-01-30
Source:Charleston Gazette (WV)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 01:46:25

Late one October evening in 2003, the State Police raided Charlie
McMillion's Wyoming County home and found more than a dozen painkillers the
unemployed 54-year-old was not supposed to have.

So McMillion spilled his guts, a transcript of his State Police interview
shows. He told Trooper Jason Davis that he drove to Virginia "probably two
times a month" to buy OxyContin pills from a dealer. He said he sold dozens
of them every month at a price of $50 for a 40 milligram pill, but never
made a profit because he snorted up five or six pills a day.

"I'm on ... on them bad," McMillion said. "Yes sir, I am."

Davis wanted more, according to the transcript. He wanted dirt on a politician.

"This, would in my personal opinion, would ... would help you considerably
Charlie," Davis told McMillion. "That would also help you . substantially
with the U.S. attorney's office."

For more than a year, police and federal prosecutors in Southern West
Virginia have been recruiting testimony about vote-buying schemes from
accused criminals and convicts. The effort is legal. Prosecutors have used
criminals' testimony against mobsters, murderers and drug dealers for
years. But it has left the federal investigation into vote fraud open to

"You don't catch criminals, you don't catch vote buyers, you don't catch
druggies, you don't catch felons with firearms with good honest people,"
said Kasey Warner, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of West
Virginia. "You catch criminals with criminals."

His office is particularly focusing its recruiting efforts on drug users
and dealers, because investigators believe hard drugs have replaced liquor
as the substance most involved in vote-buying schemes.

"A lot of people who are buying votes are buying drugs, or are selling
drugs to get money to buy votes," Warner said.

Last year, Warner began urging his assistant U.S. attorneys to ask about
vote buying before formally charging a suspect with a crime. If they do
not, they must fill out a form explaining why.

As a result, federal prosecutors ask almost every person they question
about vote buying, according to defense lawyers.

In one recent debriefing, "the two final wrap-up questions were, 'Do you
know anything about vote buying in West Virginia?' and, 'Do you know where
Osama bin Laden is?'" said Mary Lou Newberger, the head of the federal
public defender's office in Charleston.

At least one convict, a Lincoln County drug dealer named Wayne Watts, is
trying to take advantage of the program, according to defense lawyers
involved in a Lincoln County vote-buying case.

Watts, a 66-year-old who recently adopted his 6-year-old grandson, wants to
reduce the three-year, five-month prison sentence he received Thursday for
a firearms crime.

In the last two months, Watts has become a target for two defense lawyers
in particular, Ben Bailey and Dierdre Purdy of Charleston. They say he
helped investigators recruit witnesses against their client, Jackie Adkins
of Harts.

"His involvement in this investigation, and its extent, goes directly to
the biases and credibility of the government's witnesses," they wrote in a
motion filed in U.S. District Court in December.

A Long History Of Corruption

For most of the 20th century, the towns tucked into the narrow valleys of
the state's southern coalfields have been infamous for rigging elections.

The corruption has been around since at least the start of the century,
when almost everybody there depended on the local coal mine for jobs, money
and housing. They were paid in scrip usable only at the company store and
cast ballots that were frequently already filled out to help the company's

After the coal companies replaced men with machines, political factions,
often dominated by a handful of families, took control of politics. They
were run by fixers, men who could help the loyal get a job, borrow money or
wiggle out of legal trouble with a single phone call.

Federal prosecutors began prosecuting the factions for election law
violations in the late 1960s, after a committee of Mingo County residents
called for investigations into a peculiar phenomenon: the dead rising from
the grave to vote.

In 1968, the Mingo County Fair Election Committee gained statewide
notoriety. State politicians, including former Gov. Cecil Underwood and
future Sen. Jay Rockefeller, paid visits to the committee to condemn the
county's politics.

On primary day of that year, people sold their vote for $3 to $10,
according to committee members. Mingo County officials threw up their hands
as voters insisted on bringing in people to help them cast their ballots.

"I've never seen so many blind people in my life -- they say they couldn't
see well and would have to have assistance," Mingo Circuit Clerk John
Keesee said at the time.

Over the next two decades, federal prosecutors went after the political
bosses and politicians for buying votes in Mingo County and elsewhere.
State senators, sheriffs, assessors and other elected officials found
themselves accused of buying votes. Some beat the charges, others went to

But the political bosses stuck around and kept telling people how to vote.
In some courthouses, they still held enough sway to tell policemen which
criminals they should just leave alone.

By the 1980s, drug dealers were benefiting from this political corruption.
In the Mingo County town of Kermit, the powerful Preece family set up shop
in a trailer near city hall and sold marijuana, LSD and painkillers as if
they were hot dogs. When they ran out to get more inventory, they hung up a
sign: "Out of drugs. Back in 15 minutes."

Federal prosecutors swept through Mingo County after the FBI busted the
Preece family in 1985. By 1988, the county sheriff, the Kermit police
chief, a Kermit City councilwoman and the school board president had been
convicted of drug crimes.

Vote buying?

What's that?

Most drug dealers are not the political powerhouses the Preeces were.

Many have nothing to do with politics. Some have never voted.

So last year, when prosecutors from Warner's office began asking every
convict that cooperated with them about vote buying, some defense lawyers
were struck by the policy.

"Generally, there's some foundation for asking, some apparent
relationship," said Ben Bryant, a Charleston lawyer who served as an
assistant U.S. attorney in the 1980s. "To just ask anyone in a case on a
routine basis, 'What do you know about vote fraud?' has not been done to my
knowledge. That doesn't mean there's something wrong with it, though."

Warner's office began the effort a couple of years after one of its
assistant prosecutors discovered during a debriefing that convicted Logan
County cocaine dealer Richard A. Lowe had given a bribe to Logan County
Magistrate Danny Ray Wells.

Lowe later testified at Wells' 2003 racketeering trial. U.S. District Judge
David A. Faber rewarded him by cutting his prison sentence from 14 years
and seven months to five years.

Of course, most of the people who come though the system seem to know
little about voter fraud.

When the State Police questioned him in October 2003, McMillion, the
Wyoming County man accused of selling prescription drugs out of his home,
said he did not know anything.

Some convicts have even appeared startled and confused when asked about it.

Charleston lawyer Troy Giatras still remembers when a federal prosecutor
asked one of his clients, a Charleston crack dealer, for information on
vote buying.

"He looked at the prosecutor like, 'Vote buying, what's it going for?'"
Giatras said. "The guy had a befuddled look on his face because he didn't
know what the answer to the question was."

'I'm Not Sure It's Going To Work'

Federal prosecutors are gambling by looking to criminals for help in their
election fraud investigation, defense lawyers say.

Although prosecutors have long used convicts to take down drug dealers, con
men and mobsters, it is unclear how juries would react to a drug dealer
testifying about political corruption.

"When it's drugs and drugs and drugs, when everybody's involved in the same
things, it seems more accessible and palatable," said Newberger, the
federal public defender. "But when you're using the drug dealers, and we're
not addressing their drug problems, and flipping them on vote buying, I'm
not sure it's going to work."

Warner, the U.S. attorney, is not worried. He said that the testimony his
office gets from criminals is part of a broader "intelligence effort" to
gather information about vote-buying schemes that also includes information
gathered from court documents, police and law-abiding citizens.

The efforts' first test may come next month, when Jackie Adkins of Harts
and Wandell "Rocky" Adkins of Ferrellsburg stand trial for vote buying.

Jackie Adkins' lawyers, Bailey and Purdy, hope to discredit the federal
prosecutors' case by focusing on their relationship with Wayne Watts, the
Lincoln County drug dealer now facing a three-year, seven-month prison
sentence for a gun crime.

In recent months, Watts has "done extensive work" on a federal
investigation, according to assistant U.S. Attorney Steve Lowe.

Watts has mostly been trying to get neighbors and relatives to testify
about vote-buying schemes in Lincoln County, according to a motion Bailey
and Purdy filed in U.S. District Court in January.

Bailey and Purdy believe he has been working closely with investigators. He
was "present while government agents interviewed at least one government
witness," they wrote in a motion filed in December.

They say Watts' involvement in the case makes them wonder about the
credibility of the government's witnesses.

Could they be testifying that they sold their vote to Jackie Adkins because
they want to help Watts win a shorter prison sentence?

For now, answers to such questions are evasive.

Karen George, the assistant U.S. attorney overseeing the Lincoln County
investigation, said she could not comment on Watts' role in the
investigation or the government's witnesses.

State Police Trooper Anthony Perdue, one of the lead investigators,
declined to comment.

And Watts is staying silent. His lawyer, Gregory Courtright, said his
client still hopes the government will give him a shorter sentence as a
reward for his cooperation.
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