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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WI: LTE: Don't Waste Money On Prisoners
Title:US WI: LTE: Don't Waste Money On Prisoners
Published On:2005-01-27
Source:Wisconsin State Journal (WI)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 01:40:27
Prisons Eat Up Tax Dollars

Rehabilitation Failures Lead To Repeat Crimes: Is Public Truly Better


Regarding Friday's editorial "Free the tax money locked up in prisons,"
it's sick when you make statements like "it appears we'd rather lock up our
young adults than educate them." Apparently you have never studied where
some of our young adults are going today, or have never had a sadness hit
your family as it struck ours.

Our oldest daughter was shot by two young idiots (the "young adults" you
referred to) in Reedsburg in November 1995. They got their guns from their
mothers' live-in boyfriends. You think they should be educated. I think
they should be executed.

Cliff Pfister

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