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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WI: LTE: Too Comfortable
Title:US WI: LTE: Too Comfortable
Published On:2005-01-27
Source:Wisconsin State Journal (WI)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 01:40:11
Prisons Eat Up Tax Dollars

Rehabilitation Failures Lead To Repeat Crimes: Is Public Truly Better


To deter crime in general I think prison should be a lot more
uncomfortable. In the process we should also save a lot of tax dollars. For
example, do prisoners really need TV? Do they need a certain amount of
leisure time at all? They are supposed to be there as punishment. Not that
anyone really wants to be there, but life can be hard on the outside, too
- -- some see prison as free "room and board."

Also sentences should be more realistic. How can you get multiple "life"
sentences? Parole should be granted on behavior, not time served. A little
common sense would go a long way in reforming prisons.

Pete Zenz

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