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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WV: Edu: LTE: No Biblical Link To Legalizing Marijuana
Title:US WV: Edu: LTE: No Biblical Link To Legalizing Marijuana
Published On:2005-02-01
Source:Daily Athenaeum, The (WV Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 01:00:17

I am writing in response to Stan White's assertion that the legalization of
marijuana is biblically correct. God did indeed create all plants good in
Genesis 1; however, that was prior to the sin of man. When man first
sinned, God pronounces His judgment on them in Genesis 3:17-18, cursing the
ground and plants because of man's sin. Whether this includes the advent of
marijuana, though, is uncertain. Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 explains
that the body is the temple of God, and we should therefore, honor God with
our body. Doing any damage to our body would be defiling God's very temple.
The use of marijuana, were it to have any hindrance whatsoever to us, would
be defilement of our body, and, therefore, biblically unjust. Finally, Paul
writes again in Romans 13:1, "Everyone must submit himself to the governing
authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has
established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."
Submission to authorities and leaders is mentioned elsewhere in the New
Testament (Hebrews 13:7). Going against a government that has established
the illegality of marijuana would be biblically unjust since there is no
other sound scriptural basis for the legality of marijuana.

Dan Hardesty

Senior, psychology
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