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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NC: LTE: Police Coddle The Criminals
Title:US NC: LTE: Police Coddle The Criminals
Published On:2005-02-04
Source:High Point Enterprise (NC)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 00:59:24

I read in dismay the article in the Jan. 29 paper about the plan to help
drug pushers in and around a local public housing area with housing and jobs.

What do the city leaders think they are doing? I thought it was called
illegal drug sales for a reason, why no arrests? The federal government
says it has a war on drugs and the local government wants to coddle them!
If you don't believe me, go sit in District or Superior Court sometime.

If they are selling drugs, why not arrest them, throw them and their
families out of the public housing? If zero tolerance is good enough for
the military, why is it not for people on public assistance.

I guess I should be thankful though, because now if I get stopped speeding
on my way to work, the High Point Police will let me go, help me pay for my
house and help with my a new job since I will be fired for being late!

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