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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Column: Drug-War Follies
Title:US CA: Column: Drug-War Follies
Published On:2005-02-10
Source:San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 00:46:01

HERE'S ANOTHER example of how America's war on drugs has devolved into a
war on people.

In 1998, Congress passed an amendment in the Higher Education Act to deny
federal financial aid to college students convicted for possession or sale
of illegal drugs. In America, you can be convicted for rape, murder or
drunk driving and still qualify for federal aid -- as long as you didn't
smoke pot.

The measure isn't as harsh as it first sounds. Convictions before age 18
don't apply. The ineligibility period lasts for one year for a
first-possession offense and two years for a first-dealing offense, but is
"indefinite" for repeat offenders. Even then, would-be students can have
the ban lifted by completing drug rehabilitation and passing two drug tests.

Despite that, it's still a bad idea.

It's so bad that U.S. Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind., has suggested that students
sue the government if they are denied aid for long-ago convictions.
Souder's aides blame "the Clinton administration's misinterpretation" of
the law. They say the law was never meant to apply to offenses committed
before entering college. Souder aide Martin Green explained that the
congressman's evangelical Christian beliefs reject punishing people for old
wrongs they have addressed.

In that spirit, Souder has tried repeatedly to change the amendment so that
it only applied to arrests of current students. But, you see, in
Washington, it is easier to pass a bad law than to fix one.

Better to junk the whole thing anyway, says Marisa Garcia, who in 2000
discovered she couldn't qualify for student aid because of an arrest for
possession of marijuana pipe. Now a junior at Cal State Fullerton majoring
in sociology, Garcia was able to stay in school with the help of her
mother, and she now qualifies for federal financial aid. But her experience
with the law was not positive.

Souder's staff says the ban is a deterrent to drug use. No way, responded
Garcia. She didn't know about the ban before her arrest. If the law is a
deterrent, it is a deterrent to going to college. A congressional advisory
committee agrees, as a report released last month noted that drug questions
"can deter some students from filing for financial aid."

Garcia also doesn't believe the government should punish her twice for one
crime. "I had already paid my fine. I have a misdemeanor on my record,"
said Garcia. If you commit other crimes, "you get punished once."

Souder's camp really thinks the ban is a deterrent and not too harsh,
because students can attend drug rehab. (Garcia said rehab cost more than
tuition.) Green said the ban prevents those who would "squander taxpayer
dollars" -- adding, "These are not going to be your best students."

I don't know that Green is right about that. In my college years, there was
no shortage of students who, despite their drug use, had high GPAs.
Indiana's new Republican governor, former Bush budget director Mitch
Daniels, was convicted for using marijuana in college and it's pretty clear
he learned something at Princeton.

Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., has led the fight to repeal the Souder
amendment, supported by Students for Sensible Drug Policy. I wish them luck
and GOP support.

I agree with Souder that lawbreakers do not have an automatic right to
federal financial aid, although the government may be committing double
jeopardy by punishing convicts twice for one offense.

To the charge that Souder is soft on other crimes, his staff responds that
he is willing to expand the offense list. Still, when Souder had his shot
at legislation, he targeted drug users and dealers instead of violent or
career criminals.

My theory on the drug war is that it is popular largely because parents
will support draconian sentences for other people's children (bad kids) in
order to protect their own children (good kids) from doing what the bad
kids do. It doesn't occur to these parents that their kids could be on the
punishment end. They think they're on the side of law and order.

Not everyone with a badge agrees. John W. Perry was a New York police
officer, who publicly protested drug-war excesses. He was signing his
resignation papers on Sept. 11 when the first plane hit the World Trade
Center. He grabbed back his badge and gun, rushed to action and died in the
service of others.

Opponents of the Souder amendment set up a scholarship fund in Perry's name
for students who couldn't get student aid because of the Souder
legislation. Over the phone Wednesday, Perry's mother, Pat, talked about
her son. He was a "health nut," Pat said, who didn't use drugs, but "had
sympathy for people who weren't as strong as he was." As a police officer,
he saw the excesses of the drug war, said Pat, "and he didn't think it was

And it isn't.
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