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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CT: Medical Marijuana Bill Returns
Title:US CT: Medical Marijuana Bill Returns
Published On:2005-02-16
Source:News-Times, The (Danbury, CT)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 00:16:54

Lawmakers Revive Proposal to Legalize Drug for Medical Use

HARTFORD -- Mark Braunstein doesn't want to break the
law when he lights up a joint, but he said marijuana is the most
effective treatment for his pain and muscle spasms.

After a dive went bad in 1990, Braunstein, of Waterford, broke his
back, injured his spinal cord and is partially paralyzed below the
waist. Though he can walk with crutches, his muscle spasms can cause
him to make strange movements if not controlled and make it hard to
put his legs in braces.

"Marijuana relaxes spasms more effectively than do tranquilizers, and
relieves pain more safely than do narcotics," Braunstein said. "Both
my physicians approve of my medical use of marijuana, but here in
Connecticut, neither can legally prescribe it."

Braunstein was among the speakers Tuesday at the Capitol backing
legislation to legalize marijuana for medical reasons. The proposal
typically comes up each year in the legislature and is defeated. But
it has evolved from a fringe issue. There is now some support in the
medical community; 11 states allow limited use of marijuana for
medical reasons.

"This bill is not about law and order, crime and punishment or
legalizing drugs," said Rep. Melissa Olsen, D-Norwich. "This bill is
about easing people's pain and alleviating human suffering."

There will certainly be strong opposition to the bill this year.
Opponents fear allowing marijuana to be used for medical reasons will
open the door for abuse and possibly lead to legalized use for
recreational reasons.

"It is illegal," said Rep. Mary Ann Carson, R-New Fairfield. "We
cannot change federal law. We've heard conflicting testimony on how
and whether medical marijuana is legitimately effective or even necessary."

The proposal passed the House last year, but was referred back to the
finance committee because legislators determined it had a budgetary
impact. There it died without coming up for a vote in the Senate.

Under the proposal, doctors can provide certificates to patients that
would allow them or their caregiver to grow up to five plants in their
home. The patient would have to register the plants with the state
Department of Consumer Protection.

According to a poll last year by the University of Connecticut, 57
percent of state residents oppose outright legalization of marijuana,
but 83 percent would allow it for medical purposes.

"We know by anecdote and some studies that a selected group of
patients clearly are helped by marijuana during their cancer
experience," said Dr. Andrew Salner, director of the Helen and Harry
Gray Cancer Center at Hartford Hospital. "My fellow cancer physicians
are universally supportive of this type of legislation."

Dr. Mary Jane Williams, the government relations chairwoman for the
Connecticut Nurses Association, said her group recently passed a
resolution to support the right of patients to have safe access to
marijuana without risking prosecution. The resolution also supports
clinical research into the effectiveness of marijuana.

But the American Medical Association rejected a resolution in 2001 to
support the use of marijuana for cancer patients. The organization's
position is there is no scientific evidence to establish the medical
effectiveness of marijuana.

Senate Minority Leader Pro Tem John McKinney, a Fairfield Republican
whose district includes Newtown, said he would like more research but
would lean against supporting the legislation.

"I'm afraid of the precedent it sets and what it says regarding drug
use in our state," McKinney said. "I am not yet convinced there is no
other alternative treatment."

For more information on the medical marijuana bill, go to
www.cga.ct.gov and look up House Bill 6578.
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