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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IL: McDade Sentencing Below Guidelines
Title:US IL: McDade Sentencing Below Guidelines
Published On:2005-02-12
Source:Peoria Journal Star (IL)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 00:15:14

Judge Says This Crack Cocaine Case Merited A Discretionary Approach

PEORIA - U.S. District Judge Joe B. McDade dropped below federal sentencing
guidelines for crack cocaine offenses to sentence a Galesburg man Friday to
10 years in prison.

Jay Mulvey, 38, earlier had pled guilty to conspiracy to distribute crack
cocaine. He would have received 18 to 22 years in prison if McDade had
followed the guidelines.

McDade said if the offense had involved powdered cocaine, the guidelines
would have called for five to 40 years.

"Given the Draconian punishment associated with crack cocaine, to follow
the guideline range for this case would go beyond what is needed to serve
the purpose of sentencing," McDade said. "Respect for the law doesn't
always mean sending people to prison for as long as you can."

McDade's action follows a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last month that federal
sentencing guidelines, designed to ensure equivalent sentences across the
nation, are discretionary for judges.

Rather than rigidly conforming to the 1987 guidelines as they were required
to in the past, federal judges now can use their own discretion when
passing sentence. A judge must consider the guidelines but can

deviate from them in a reasonable manner if they choose, the Supreme Court

Testimony from Mulvey's father, wife and others indicated Mulvey went
through drug treatment and pulled his life together after his arrest. He
was an addict for years, his father, Dale, said.

Mulvey and his wife, who also went through drug treatment, recently have
spoken as a couple to youths in trouble about the perils of addiction.

They lost their four children to foster care but have regained them and are
functioning as a family, testimony indicated.

"We don't see success rates very often. They overcame a lot," said Knox
County child welfare case worker Cynthia Kalin.

Mulvey told the judge, "I truly believe you guys have saved my life. I
lived in hell and I don't ever want to go back there again. I never want to
go back to using drugs again."

McDade said Mulvey did not have a history of drug dealing. His previous
arrests were for "petty offenses," the judge said.

Assistant U.S. attorney Tate Chambers objected to the lower sentence
outside the guidelines.

McDade responded "the court finds exceptional reasons exist" for the
unusual sentencing.

Mulvey was shot on Dec. 25, 2001, outside Andrew's Lounge in Galesburg
where he was trying to buy drugs, according to Journal Star files.
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