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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NY: PUB LTE: Medical Marijuana
Title:US NY: PUB LTE: Medical Marijuana
Published On:2005-02-20
Source:Ogdensburg Journal/Advance News (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 23:50:58

To The Editor:

Mr. Kelly, excellent questions today in your comment section (Nichols
On Right Track Sunday Feb 13).

You ask, " It would be interesting to see a list of political
donations made by the major drug manufacturers"?

I have researched medical marijuana for several years. With research
that supports medical marijuana, why does congress fight legalization
so hard!

I don't have the break down of who gets what. Here's what I do

According to Public Citizens and Center for Responsive Politics the
number 'one' donator in political campaign contributions and number
'one' in lobbying is the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. They
[the pharmaceutical companies] report spending $196 million per year.

I am sure that as the industry lobbies to keep medical marijuana
illegal, the industry lobbies congress to keep it illegal for senior
citizens to import the companies drugs from Canada where they are sold
at half the price the drugs are sold here.

As a member of AARP I would like to inform your readers that a recent
poll for AARP revealed three-quarters of senior citizens favor safe,
legal access to medical marijuana -- again demonstrating that support
for medical marijuana crosses all boundaries.

I also suggest an Internet search 'border patrol'. The border patrols
are stopping buses.

Weapons of mass destruction? No. Illegal drugs? No. It's for legal
prescription medication from Canada made by U.S. firms. In some cases
not returning the medication back to the senior citizens!

Larry Seguin

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