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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CT: Edu: New Drug Chapter Hopes To Take Off
Title:US CT: Edu: New Drug Chapter Hopes To Take Off
Published On:2005-02-23
Source:Daily Campus, The (UConn, CT Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 23:34:24

Arjona classroom 109 filled up yesterday evening as students gathered
together for the second official meeting of UConn's chapter of Students for
Sensible Drug Policy. Members gathered around for one of the group's
preliminary meetings, discussing ways that would help the new organization
take off and grow in both numbers and popularity, in order to help the
student population in a greater way in the long run.

The idea started up last semester between Catherine McKelvey, a
6th-semester psychology major and the current vice president of the new
organization, and Dominic Sinopoli, a 6th-semester psychology major and
president of UConn's Students for Sensible Drug Policy. They were inspired
to create the group after a guest speaker, Cliff Thornton, spoke vividly
against the current drug policies in their drugs and society class. Both
students were enraged with the facts that Thornton made the class aware of
and decided that not only should their class be informed, but the entire
student body.

"I just decided to do something about it and step up," Sinopoli said.

According to McKelvey and Sinopoli, the organization recently gained
university recognition two weeks ago, and has already enlisted thirty
members and is growing with the help of their advisor, sociology professor
Clinton Sanders. The group is currently concentrating on gaining
campus-wide recognition to ensure the success of its agenda.

Both leaders said that a major focus of the group is the education of UConn
students on current drug policies. They spoke openly on the fact that most
students, when arrested, are not made aware of their rights or what
liberties the police have and don't have. McKelvey and Sinopoli both agreed
that many students are ignorant to the fact that they have a right to deny
access or information to the authorities in certain situations.

"Students get caught when they aren't aware of their rights . . ." said
Sean Czellecz, an 8th-semester psychology major, and member of the
organization. "Cops know that the students aren't aware of their rights
which makes it easier for police officers to make an arrest."

The members discussed the possibility of a screening of the film "Busted"
to the student population, which would assist students in learning what
rights they have.

Another major issue the organization covers is the way arrests and
punishments are handled.

"One thing is that the punishment doesn't fit the crime," McKelvey said.
"The drug laws are so draconian and so severe that it ends up punishing
kids and makes them resent it more than learn from it."

McKelvey described the usual punishment given to drug offenders such as
many of the student population, as an unnecessary and overall detrimental
process that places even first time misdemeanor drug offenders alongside
rapists, molesters, larcenists and murderers.

"It teaches you crime," McKelvey added.

She also described the classroom aspect of the punishment as a guidebook to
drug use that breeds curiosity.

According to McKelvey and Sinopoli, drug policies go deeper than the idea
of catching offenders, as the laws incorporate societal and political issues.

"There's a much harsher punishment for getting caught with crack than coke,
even though crack is watered down coke," McKelvey explained. "It's more of
an urban thing."

Keeping this fact in mind, both McKelvey and Sinopoli expressed desire in
working alongside cultural organizations, as the drug laws illustrate a
discrimination against certain groups in society. They both hope to tie
links to the Heart House, Safe Rides and PIRG, so as to increase their
productivity and accessibility to UConn students.

"The problem with UConn is that they don't provide what's needed, like a
shuttle route on the weekends because they are afraid of appearing to
encourage partying," Sinopoli said. "Instead, they give their money to the
police department to crack down on DUI's. Unfortunately, that doesn't solve
the problem."

This Wednesday the 23rd, Friday the 25th and Monday the 28th, Students for
Sensible Drug Policy will be at the South Dining Hall between the times of
4:30 p.m. and six thirty p.m. to display facts, hand out fliers and gain
identity within the UConn population. The next meeting will be held Tuesday
evening from six p.m. to seven p.m. in Arjona 109. For more information
about Students for Sensible Drug Policy, visit www.ssdp.org
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