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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AL: EDU: PUB LTE: Marijuana Not Harmful
Title:US AL: EDU: PUB LTE: Marijuana Not Harmful
Published On:2005-02-24
Source:Auburn Plainsman, The (Auburn U, AL Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 23:25:59

Editor, The Auburn Plainsman:

Your article on the harshness of marijuana busts hit the nail on the head.

I have seen so many friends stopped in their tracks and frozen in time just
because they were smoking, or happened to get caught near smoke or smoking

This state is trapped in a Puritan-like mode similar to that in "The
Scarlet Letter."

I myself am almost all for legalization. Pot smokers are the best kind of
addict, even though addiction is never a good thing to be encouraged.

My boyfriend has severe stomach complications, and the only medicine that
helps him is marijuana. It brings back his appetite and allows him to sleep

I myself am not an avid smoker, since I have no time to do so, but have
many friends who work full time and smoke occasionally. What is the big deal?!

I realize that a law is a law is a law, but I think this one needs a little

Can't we, ourselves, be allowed to make decisions for ourselves? Do we
really need a "mommy" looming over our heads telling us no?

Well, it is time for us to look up into that pseudo-parental face and ask why.

Marijuana hurts no one. Alcohol hurts exponentially more people, but I
guess taxes are more useful.

Name withheld by request
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