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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MA: Edu: LTE: God Does Not Endorse Cannabis
Title:US MA: Edu: LTE: God Does Not Endorse Cannabis
Published On:2005-03-01
Source:Daily Free Press (Boston U, MA Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 22:59:20

Stan White's letter on Monday ("Cannabis not evil", Feb. 28, p. 4) is
the most ridiculous piece of evangelism I've ever read. I am not going
to go on a rant on whether or not marijuana is detrimental, but let's
just say that smoking any kind of drug usually increases lung disease
of one sort or another. Mr. White's ingenious deduction that since God
created cannabis, then it can't be "evil" is just plain idiotic. If
Mr. White read the Bible close enough, be it the New or Old Testament
and their multitudes of commentaries, he will inevitably find passages
that state the injuring of the body is an abomination of God, since
the body - itself - is God's greatest gift on loan to mankind
(Leviticus 19:28). Hence the Jewish law that those with voluntary
tattoos or numerous body piercing may not be buried in a Jewish
cemetery, for they have expressed contempt for being created in "the
image of God".

Mr. White's obvious use of marijuana is a voluntary choice, and so far
has proved injurious to his mind, and probably his lungs. Mr. White's
use of religion and God as an excuse for bad behavior is horrible.

Jesse Rodgers,

CAS '07
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