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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Canadian Pot Addicting Our Youth, US Drug Czar Says
Title:US: Canadian Pot Addicting Our Youth, US Drug Czar Says
Published On:2005-03-11
Source:Metro (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 21:03:04

A surge of high-potency marijuana illegally smuggled into the United
States from Canada is fuelling a rise in drug dependency among young
Americans, the Bush administration says.

A frustrated John Walters, the director of the U.S. National Drug
Control office, yesterday signalled Washington's ongoing irritation
with what it sees as a lax attitude toward drug crimes north of the
border, something which has forced it to redeploy drug patrols from
the Mexican border to its northern flank.

Walters conceded yesterday American authorities are making no dent in
the flow of Canadian pot and said Canadian police and prosecutors have
told him lenient Canadian courts are a root of the problem.

"The big new factor on the scene ... is the enormous growth of high
potency marijuana from Canada," Walters said.

The Bush administration has been vocal in its concern over Canadian
"grow-ops," ecstasy manufacturers and a move by the past Liberal
government to decriminalize marijuana possession, but Walters' message
takes on a special urgency now.

The problem U.S. President George W. Bush has with drug smugglers on
both his southern and northern borders is expected to be raised when
meets with Prime Minister Paul Martin and Mexican President Vicente
Fox at a trilateral summit in Waco, Texas, on March 23.

Walters also said the proliferation of grow ops is cause for concern
in Toronto.
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