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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Column: Just How Evil?
Title:US TX: Column: Just How Evil?
Published On:2005-03-15
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 20:59:36

Every day I write
and report in numerous ways that "the emperor has no clothes" (and
smells like week-old death.) I implore and cajole, I constantly yell
"fire" in a burning theater and yet, most of you do nothing,
nothing at all to end the madness of drug war. I see you in public
venues, I take your calls and advise you as best I can and yet you
do nothing.

The drug warriors, those who thrive on eternal drug war refuse to
debate me, to interview with me, to email or write me or to even talk
with me in public. They are evil; they live in a fabricated world
comprised of lies, pilfered profits and mutually protective rackets.
To encourage you to grasp this truth, to make the leap of faith and
take the initiative to DO SOMETHING to make the drug war dry up and
blow away, following is a snapshot description of the evil these
bastards bring to the table every day of the year:

Government -- The arrest each year of 1.6 million, non-violent US
citizens. The destruction of many of these 1.6 million individual's
families, fortunes and futures often follows closely behind. Racial
bigotry and racial profiling, so much a part of the drug warrior
tactics have now made it possible to place more than 1,000,000 black
Americans behind prison bars; more black's than existed in the south
during the Civil War. The FDA is a quasi-corporate joke, the DEA is a
certifiable threat to our nation, HHS mimics the lion from Oz,
Congress too is full of cowards, the President is a walking billboard
for success after drug use and the Controlled Substances Act is a
screed for the new inquisition.

Corporations --The "Partnership for a Drug Free America", the
corporate sponsored castle crafters of the drug czar, was originally
funded by the alcohol and tobacco industries and to this day receives
funding from pharmaceutical houses, media and energy companies. The
death, disease and destruction wrought by their policy increases each
year all according to their plan.

Cops, Doctors, Scientists and "Experts" -- Those in ancillary
positions of authority, the "working man" of the drug war make sure
their mortgage payments are met and their retirement assured by
joining in the feast of the drug war. Their meat is spewing tales of
dread and woe, knowing full well their lies will pay the bills and the
agony that spirals from their "intervention" will be disguised to
support their contentions regarding the "harms of drugs".

There is not one in government, corporate planning, out walking the
beat or "testilying" in court who deserves a moment's grace. They are
all aware, full knowing and guilty as hell. It is our job to drive
these gross and evil sinners down to the river of reform for baptism.
It is our job to sing "hallelujah" to the end of drug war, to preach,
reach, teach and if necessary to impeach these sons of Satan.

I've tried so many times to find one drug warrior, brave enough,
intelligent or stupid enough to defend their policy of eternal drug
war on the radio, in this column, in any fashion whatsoever, to
absolutely no avail. They hide their sins behind feigned ignorance,
psuedo-superstition or simple "bully pulpit" bluster. For too long
their attitude, their out of control policy, in and of itself has
barred the discussion which will force us to repeal these
unconstitutional laws.

This drug war is over when we cease our infantile acceptance of
pronouncements from false saviors whose true desire is to forever
govern our minds, our bodies and our very lives. When push comes to
shove, these drug warriors dare not take the battlefield. Truth
frightens them much more than Goliath frightened young David.

There is absolutely NOTHING TO FEAR, except your own acceptance of
eternal defeat, (that's the real bread and butter of the drug


* Ed Rosenthal, America's Guru of Ganja is coming to Houston for the
4:20 Fest on Saturday, April 23 at the Last Concert Cafe. The 4:20
Fest will feature eight great bands including Slapshifter, Mikado,
Grooving Ground, Guy Schwartz & The New Jack Hippies, Sean Reefer &
The Resin Valley Boys, The Hightailers and Mark May & The Agitators.
(Starts @ 4:20 PM.) Please listen to 90.1 FM, KPFT radio in Houston or
visit http://www.drugtruth.net
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