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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: The WTO - The Stoner's New Best Friend
Title:US: Web: The WTO - The Stoner's New Best Friend
Published On:2005-03-20
Source:Slate (US Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 20:22:11

In the United States, possession and distribution of marijuana is nominally
illegal. But you don't have to be Tommy Chong to know that pot's legal
status is cloudy and confused.

Growing and using "medical" marijuana is legal in 11 states, and in cities
like San Francisco it's easy enough to find locally grown product. In
addition to being inconsistent, as critics have long pointed out, the
federal ban is also irrational. It treats marijuana differently than
similar products for no obvious reason.

People use prescription drugs, pot, and alcohol for the same purposes: to
get high, relax, and dull pain. The consequences of abuse are similar:
crashed cars, disease, and lots of wasted time. So, what makes marijuana

The irrationality of U.S. marijuana policy is not news. Support of
legalization has made bedfellows of people like Willie Nelson and William
F. Buckley Jr., backed up by Richard Posner and Dr. Dre. And a Supreme
Court decision on whether the federal laws can trump state statutes in this
area is expected any day. But the strange status of marijuana may also
bring down the scrutiny of a different entity altogether: the World Trade
Organization and its powerful condemnation of inconsistent national laws.
The American ban on marijuana is what the WTO calls "a barrier to trade,"
raising the question: Can U.S. marijuana policy survive the tough scrutiny
of world trade law?

WTO scrutiny of American drug laws may sound far-fetched, but then until
recently so did WTO scrutiny of U.S. gambling or tax laws. U.S. gambling
laws, like drug laws, are erratic: Online casinos are strictly prosecuted,
but state lotteries and Las Vegas are tolerated.

Citing such inconsistency, last November the WTO declared American gambling
enforcement an "illegal barrier to trade in services." The fate of these
gambling laws may be a guide to the future of American marijuana laws.

Do such WTO decisions have any teeth?

Yes, because unlike other international bodies the WTO understands
punishment. In his tenure as U.S. president, George W. Bush has obeyed
exactly one international court decision: a WTO ruling that shot down his
protections for American steel.

The reason even Bush listens to the WTO is that the organization knows the
one thing politicians fear: angry industries, especially farmers.

The WTO has the power to authorize punitive economic sanctions, and those
inevitably target politically sensitive exporters--like Florida orange
growers or Midwestern wheat.

And to such threats even the United States responds.

Just as the mob gets what it wants by threatening your family, the WTO
targets farmers, and for politicians that's even scarier.

Two WTO principles spell trouble for U.S. drug laws. The WTO demands that
countries treat foreign products the same as domestic ones (the "National
Treatment" principle); and it demands that when chemicals or drugs are
banned, those bans be based on good science (the "Beef Hormone" principle).
Both these requirements may present a problem for the United States in the
pot wars, because neither science nor logic has ever played much of a role
in American crackdowns on "reefer madness."

Consider "national treatment." The basic idea is that the United States
cannot tax Canadian rye whisky at $10 a bottle without doing the same to
Kentucky bourbon. Under WTO law, taxing one but not the other is illegal
discrimination. The analogy to marijuana is clear: Local marijuana-growing
enjoys quasi-legal status in the United States, but the import of foreign
marijuana is strictly banned. In trade terms, that's called illegal
discrimination in favor of local producers. Does it matter that the
medical-marijuana laws are the rogue efforts of a handful of states like
California and Montana? No, said the WTO in its online casino case--while
state laws may give rise to this inconsistency, federal systems are fully
accountable for state action.

U.S. states, moreover, are protecting a valuable industry.

Estimates are unreliable, but the organization NORML in 1998 estimated the
domestic weed industry at $15 billion, making it the nation's fourth
largest: larger than the tobacco and cotton, but smaller than soybeans and
corn. When local laws happen to protect a valuable local industry against
imports, the WTO becomes suspicious.

"Beware the Killer Drug 'Marihuana'--a powerful narcotic in which lurks:
Murder! Insanity! Death!" This warning, from a 1930s U.S. government
poster, raises a central U.S. defense to WTO charges: Doesn't the United
States have the right to protect its citizens against harmful drugs?

Yes, countries do have explicit permission to enact health-protecting
trade-restrictive measures (in trade lingo, "sanitary and phytosanitary
measures"). But import bans must also be supported by scientific risk analysis.

And merely saying "Murder! Insanity! Death!" is usually insufficient.

That's what the Europeans found out when their ban on hormone-fed beef was
struck down by the WTO in 1998. Europeans have long been suspicious of
American cattle fed growth hormones, believing that eating hormone-laden
beef leads to premature sexual development. But the WTO struck Europe's
beef-hormone ban for want of good science.

In WTO language, Europe failed to supply a "risk assessment that reasonably
supports or warrants the import prohibition."

There's a difference: Unlike with hormone beef, no one denies that
marijuana is harmful when abused.

As with tobacco or alcohol, the United States clearly has the right to
enact some controls.

The problem may be justifying the distinct U.S. treatment of marijuana's
health risks.

The WTO rules can be read to demand that products of similar risks be
treated similarly, and a cannabis pill may be a market substitute for
prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

All are harmful: Prozac makes people suicidal, alcohol destroys livers, and
cigarettes* are cancerous and as addictive as crack.

What, the WTO may ask, makes marijuana so different?

The issue is sharpened by the problem of the import of cannabis for medical
purposes. The White House now denies that cannabis is a medicine, saying
"even if smoking marijuana makes people 'feel better,' that is not enough
to call it a medicine." But a 1999 medical study commissioned by the
(Clinton) White House concluded otherwise, saying "the accumulated data
suggest a variety of indications, particularly for pain relief, antiemesis,
and appetite stimulation." Such findings cannot help the U.S. case.

The United States does have a fallback defense: Marijuana makes good people
bad. The World Trade Organization allows countries to enact measures
"necessary to protect public morals." Which raises this fundamental
question: Is it wrong to be stoned?

A 1924 Daily Mirror editorial said, "Marijuana inflames the erotic impulses
and leads to revolting sex crimes." And today, according to the White
House, "Marijuana users in their later teen years are more likely to have
an increased risk of delinquency and more sexual partners." But just
because smokers drop out and have more sex, is that sufficient to sustain a
morality-based barrier on trade?

No one knows, but it is the kind of question that makes trade law interesting.

In order for the WTO to consider the legality of U.S. drug laws, some
country would have to bring a WTO complaint against the United States.
Don't expect a case tomorrow, but it may just be a matter of time. An
increasing number of countries--including Belgium, Holland, and
Canada--have begun to allow licensed growing of marijuana, and today's
growers will be tomorrow's exporters.

Canada is the natural WTO plaintiff.

Just as with alcohol during prohibition, Canada makes lots of money selling
contraband dope to its southern neighbor. According to the Canada's
National Post, Canadian marijuana is a $7 billion industry, or larger than
Canada's wheat and dairy industries, and its fisheries. And the laws up
north are loose.

The last two prime ministers have been legalization advocates. (Former
Prime Minister Jean Chretien famously said, "The decriminalization of
marijuana is making normal what is the practice. ... I will have my money
for my fine and a joint in the other hand.") And some Canadian courts have
even struck down marijuana laws as violative of fundamental rights.

Even Tommy Chong (of Cheech and Chong) is from Alberta--the Canadian
complaint at the WTO could well begin, "Hey, man "

The economic incentives to bring a WTO complaint are clear.

For Canadian and other marijuana exporters, the American recreational and
medical weed market is the big fatty.

Americans smoked 1,047 metric tons of ganja in 2000--according to U.S.
government estimates, worth $10.5 billion. (The White House estimates that
the average smoker goes through 18.7 joints per month.) Every afternoon, at
4:20, millions of bowls light across the nation--and what country wouldn't
want a piece of that?

For many, these points may lead to questions not about the drug laws but
about the WTO. But none of this should be a surprise.

The WTO's reasoning is economic, and economic logic taken seriously often
has radical consequences. Many economists, including Nobel-laureates Gary
Becker and Milton Friedman, have long believed that American marijuana laws
are irrational. And as William F. Buckley Jr. puts it, "marijuana
prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever

The irony here is difficult to overstate.

The same WTO that most stoners love to hate may someday be the organization
that guarantees their supply.

In the words of Willie Nelson, "Marijuana is an herb and a flower.

God put it here. What gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?"
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