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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Jody Reunited With Son and Family After Six Years in Thai
Title:UK: Jody Reunited With Son and Family After Six Years in Thai
Published On:2007-09-11
Source:Swindon Advertiser (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-11 22:55:10

AFTER spending six years in a Thai jail with no contact with the
outside world, Jody Aggett stepped off his flight from the Far East at
Heathrow and walked into a media frenzy.

It was a day his parents Tony and Lorna, of Westlea, feared would
never arrive.

But as they greeted their son in front of film crews and snapping
photographers they knew the family's nightmare was over.

Jody, 30, who has been in prison since his arrest in Thailand in 2001,
had only seen his young son Ryan once since his birth.

And after a draining legal campaign to see him released, Jody finally
embraced the five-year-old for the first time as a free man when he
returned to Britain yesterday.

Tony and Lorna Aggett endured a 25-hour wait for their son after a
series of technical problems stalled his flight from Bangkok on Monday.

Jody's twin sister Tammy had flown in from South Africa on Sunday to
be there for the emotional reunion.

As the public address system announced the arrival of flight 0010 into
Heathrow Airport Tony launched himself into the arms of his son,
shouting "How are you boy?".

The 56-year-old praised his son, saying: "He's been six years in
prison and he's come out like this. He's the strongest boy in the
world. I'm so proud of him. He's my boy.

"It was breathtaking seeing him arrive. If I could have picked him up
in my arms I would have done. I'm so proud of him.

"We have a lot of catching up to do - the next few days will be

At the arrivals gate of Terminal Four Jody spoke briefly to say he was
in good health and glad to be home.

Despite being wrongly convicted for manufacturing ecstasy, he refused
to be bitter about the years he spent in prison.

Asked if he was angry he simply shook his head and in a soft voice
replied "no".

Jody has spent the last six years sleeping on the floor of a cramped
cell in Bang Kwang prison never enjoying the luxury of a hot shower.

He had been jailed for life - commuted from the death penalty - in

He said: "I just took each day day-by-day y'know, I just didn't let it
get to me.

Mum Lorna said: "I am so happy to have him home. He's the best son a
mother could wish for, I'm so proud of him.

"He called me when he reached immigration before coming

"He said mum I have just had a shower and it was hot and in

"I think a lot of things we take for granted will be overwhelming for

Lorna, 53, said that hearing her son's flight had been delayed by a
day was agony.

She said: "I was devastated. I had been so excited and it was very
confusing for Ryan to see us so tense."

Jody initially went to Thailand on a 30-day visa to see his Thai
girlfriend Ramphia Lo, who he met in South Africa.

He had been staying above a travel agent's in Bangkok with Ramphia -
known in the family as Kristin - when they were both arrested.

The couple were allowed to stay rent-free in the building if they
opened and closed the travel agent's each day.

But the agency's owner, a dual Canadian and Dutch citizen known as
Adrian, had been manufacturing ecstasy in the building.

The tenants were arrested alongside Adrian and his own Thai girlfriend
when police raided the building in November 2001.

After being ordered to sign a false confession - which had not been
translated from Thai - Jody was found guilty of being part of the plot.

Kristin, who was eight months' pregnant with Ryan at the time, was
also jailed.

Ryan was taken from her as soon as he was born and has been living
with his grandparents in Swindon since.

Jody will also move into his parents' Westlea home where he'll be
sharing a room with his son.

Lorna added: "Ryan's very excited because he'll be sleeping in the top
bunk and his daddy will be in the bottom bunk.

"Jody has a big teddy bear on his bed for when he gets

"Ryan has also been running up to his friends at school telling them
his daddy is coming home to play football with him.

"It's really important he and Ryan have time to get to know each other

Sabine Zanker, of Fair Trials Abroad, said the family now intended to
work on getting a visa for Kristin who has remained in Thailand since
she was released last Monday.
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