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News (Media Awareness Project) - US RI: LTE: Marijuana Smokers Endanger Us All
Title:US RI: LTE: Marijuana Smokers Endanger Us All
Published On:2005-04-12
Source:Providence Journal, The (RI)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 16:13:28

The April 8 Commentary piece by TV's Montel Williams ("Don't treat patients
using marijuana as criminals") extolling "medical" marijuana made for fine
reading. I had a mental picture of Montel sitting in his easy chair at
night, probably with his dog, Rover, by his side, toking away on some
Cuervo Gold provided by his physician, and slipping into absolute peace and
serenity, free from the aches and pains of human life. If only the rest of
us who have our own personal tortures could find the way to such glory!

I suppose this piece appeared quite by coincidence as the Rhode Island
legislature is ready to take a vote on legalizing this amazing medical miracle.

I had occasion to talk to one of the bill's sponsors the other day. She
said she felt that allowing use of marijuana was an act of "kindness." Too
bad she did not talk to the chief of the state police to find out how kind
it is to have marijuana users behind the wheel on our highways. This state
already leads the nation in per-capita killing by drunken drivers; shall we
now add more high-as-a-kite marijuana users to that killing spree?

How do the advocates of marijuana use suggest that it be policed? Shall the
user wear an ankle bracelet, so his or her activities can be traced around
the clock? Who will control the growing of the weed? How many times a day
will the patients be allowed to puff away? Who is to stop the relatives and
friends from joining in?

This debate has been going on for years. I can recall hearing the same
plaintive wailings for relief from suffering 30 or more years ago on
television and in newspaper articles.

For once, the federal government has it right: Using marijuana breaks the
law. To legalize its use in our state is a futile measure, and the bill to
do so ought to be dropped immediately.

William Walsh

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