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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: PUB LTE: Anit-Pot Lawmakers Are Hyprocrites
Title:US AK: PUB LTE: Anit-Pot Lawmakers Are Hyprocrites
Published On:2005-04-17
Source:Juneau Empire (AK)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 15:56:51

The Alaska Civil Liberties Union says Governor Murkowski's marijuana
bill is unconstitutional and violates Alaskans' right to privacy. The
Alaska Supreme Court in 1975 ruled that possession and use of small
amounts in the home fell within the right to privacy. Murkowski wants
lawmakers to re-criminalize marijuana. Perhaps all the representatives
can sit and debate this measure with a martini in front of them as
they watch the DVD "Refer Madness." If one can not be found, I will
gladly loan them my copy. My point being this. Alcohol is a much
larger problem in Alaska than marijuana. Yet the only state building
in the state of Alaska that allows it to be consumed is the very one
in which this attack against Alaskan privacy rights is being waged. I
would hope that people would see the hypocrisy of this. Please do not
support this attack against the Alaska State Constitution.

Thomas Baxter

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