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News (Media Awareness Project) - US FL: LTE: Student Drug Testing Is Valuable
Title:US FL: LTE: Student Drug Testing Is Valuable
Published On:2005-04-23
Source:St. Petersburg Times (FL)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 15:19:52

Re: Drug testing of students is un-American, April 20.

In this column, Debra J. Saunders is clearly thinking of herself and
not about the children. As a drug policy and prevention expert with
more than 20 years experience, I can tell you that many schools find
great value in using random drug and alcohol testing as part of their
antidrug programs. The goal of drug testing is to deter drug and
alcohol use among youth. Students who know they may be detected are
less likely to use drugs or alcohol, not to mention avoid the
consequences of addiction.

Student athletes and students in extracurricular activities take
leadership roles in the school community and, as role models, should
be drug free. Student drug testing helps ensure this. More important,
it gives students an "out," a chance to say no without feeling pressured.

The unfortunate part of student drug testing is that we cannot test
those who do not participate in extracurricular activities. Many
students encounter the same peer pressure that the extracurricular
students face but do not have the same "out." Although schools that
test athletes and students in other extracurricular activities
experience an overall decline in drug use, they must not forget about
those students who do not benefit from drug testing and provide them
with other drug prevention and education alternatives.

I have fought for this issue alongside many parents who have lost
their children to drugs. These parents have told me time and again, "I
never suspected that my child was using drugs; if I had only known, I
could have done something."

Student drug testing is one of the best ways to identify a problem and
give parents a chance to know and get help before it is too late. To
me, if student drug testing can save one child, it is worth it.


Executive Director

Drug Free America Foundation, Inc.

St. Petersburg
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