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News (Media Awareness Project) - US SD: PUB LTE: Treatment Centers
Title:US SD: PUB LTE: Treatment Centers
Published On:2005-05-08
Source:Argus Leader (SD)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 13:56:55

I owe my life to places like Transitional Living Corp. If it was not
for a treatment facility I would still be a drugged up zombie. I say
thanks every day that they gave me the chance for a nice house, great
job and beautiful wife. It took three separate 30-day programs to
clean me up, so I can speak with some confidence about what goes on in
these types of facilities.

In-patient treatment centers do not belong near residential housing.
Especially ones with little or no security. Bad things do happen in
and around these centers. There were fights, theft, vandalism, and
that's just the beginning. This was not in some big city like L.A., it
was right here in South Dakota.

People move away from those problems for a reason and now TLC wants to
put it right in your front yard. The first thing I would do is put up
a "For Sale" sign and hope I can sell before my property value goes
down the drain, or even worse, something more sinister takes
place.This is one recovering addict who knows the truth. Don't let
anyone sugar coat that. Trust me. Been there. Done that. Got a T-shirt.


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