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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: Edu: Marijuana Freedom March
Title:US CO: Edu: Marijuana Freedom March
Published On:2005-05-07
Source:Colorado Daily (UC Edu, CO)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 13:51:35

Marijuana supporters blazed a trail through downtown Boulder on Saturday as
part of the global Million Marijuana March.

Supporters huffed and puffed marijuana as the group trekked down University
Hill and Pearl Street Mall.

"There's nothing more important in America than to fight for your rights.
Free the weed," shouted Jeff Christen-Mitchell, president of the Boulder
chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML).

Participants wore mushroom necklaces, Bob Marley shirts, and held
pro-marijuana signs. One sign read, "Bill of Rights - digging it S Stop the

No one seemed to oppose the march, not even the police.

"It would be marijuana madness (if the police stepped in). It just isn't in
the Boulder Police Department's playbook," said Christen-Mitchell.

While marching in front of the courthouse the group passed a Boulder Police
officer. The policeman took notice of the group, but did not take any action.

The group said that officials often turn a blind-eye towards marijuana
usage in Boulder. That isn't the case for the rest of the country.

Dana Biel the founder of Cures-Not-Wars started the Million Marijuana March
in New York in 1999. In its sixth year there are marches in more than 200
cities in 37 countries. The idea for an international marijuana rally
germinated out of an annual pro-marijuana demonstration in New York City.

The march is a global effort that has a mission to re-legalize marijuana.

This is the third annual Million Marijuana March in Boulder, but it is the
first year NORML has sponsored it.

"The drug war is mismanagement of resources," said Christen-Mitchell as he
inhaled a hit of marijuana.

Some drivers who passed the march in Boulder honked their horns in support
of the movement. Others cheered on the protesters.

"Way to go. Light one up for me," said one man who drove past the marchers.

Protestors said marijuana usage has some false stereotypes. They said
marijuana can be healthy if used in the proper manner.

Fighting marijuana is one war the United States should not be apart of,
according to Christen-Mitchell.

"I believe the drug war has done untold damage to society," he said.
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