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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TN: PUB LTE: US Drug Policies Aren't Working
Title:US TN: PUB LTE: US Drug Policies Aren't Working
Published On:2005-05-17
Source:Knoxville News-Sentinel (TN)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 13:08:20

I'm writing about your editorial: "Biggest fights in drug war lie ahead"
May 5. In 1970, when we began our latest phase of our so-called war on
drugs, methamphetamine was not at record levels and epidemic proportions
throughout the United States. It is today.

In 1970, the United States was not the most incarcerated nation in the
history of human civilization. We are today, thanks mostly to the policies
of our so-called war on drugs.

To be successful in any endeavor, one should do what successful people do
and avoid doing what unsuccessful people do. This principle applies not
only to individuals but also to organizations and nations.

No other nation on the planet has been less successful than the United
States in solving its recreational drug problems. Yet no other nation
spends more of its resources or imprisons more of its citizens for drug law
violations. Obviously, America's drug strategy is not working. Obviously,
we must make major changes in our drug policy or face continued failure.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting a different result each time. It is also a good definition of
stupidity. America's drug strategy for the past 35 years has been both
insane and stupid.

Let's do something different - substantially different.


Mesa, Ariz.
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