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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NC: LTE: You Can't Justify Marijuana Use By Quoting The Bible
Title:US NC: LTE: You Can't Justify Marijuana Use By Quoting The Bible
Published On:2005-05-19
Source:High Point Enterprise (NC)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 12:58:49

Stan Whites letter, "Use of marijuana is biblical and should be legal" (May
13), is obviously senseless, illogical, untrue and contrary to all reason
of common sense.

Our heavenly Father did create all seed-bearing plants, in the first
chapter of the Bible. But he also stated his purpose for these seed-bearing
plants; "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth
and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food"
(Gen. 1: 29). Food! So where does he tell us to roll up a joint and smoke
it? The Bible condemns intoxication.

This is what Stan White doesn't want loving parents to teach their
children, of the harmful effects of marijuana:

Marijuana (THC) is an extremely powerful intoxicant. It affects, alters and
damages brain cells controlling thinking, emotion, pleasure, coordination,
mood and memory. The pituitary gland is also damaged which regulates
hunger, thirst, blood pressure, sexual behavior and release of sex
hormones. Clogged synapses, brain damage and addiction. Marijuana
accumulates in the microscopic spaces between nerve cells in the brain
called "synapses." This clogging interferes by slowing and impairing
transfer critical information. Long-term use causes the brain to stop
production of brain chemicals necessary to "feel good" - a negative
feedback condition. And, the user becomes chemically addicted to marijuana.
Speeds up heartbeat as much as 50 percent, increases blood pressure, and
poses great risk to those with hypertension and heart disease. Is this what
our heavenly Father wants for our children?

Marijuana can deteriorate the brain of those who try to support their evil
habits through the teachings of the Holy Bible, which is in complete
opposition to drugs.

So who's brainwashing our children?


High Point
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