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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: Political Elites Are Revolting on the Drug War
Title:US: Web: Political Elites Are Revolting on the Drug War
Published On:2007-09-21
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-01-11 22:19:42

The title above can be read two ways, depending on the meaning
assigned to the word "revolting." Up until recently, if I saw such a
phrase, I would think of revolting in the sense of disgusting or repulsive.

Most politicians above the local level have supported the drug war
without reservation for decades. There have been notable exceptions,
like New Mexico's former governor Gary Johnson, but he only spoke out
after he decided he wasn't going to run for office again.

However, there may be cause to interpret the word "revolting"
differently, as in the sense of refusing to accept something. Earlier
this week, Florida's Republican Governor Charlie Crist offered a
complete and surprising pardon for pain victim Richard Paey, who had
been imprisoned on a drug conviction for more than three years. Crist
declined to criticize the whole drug war, but he did recognize that
in this case it was pushed to absurd proportions.

To many it would appear to be common sense, but measured by drug war
standards, this is a big step. Even extreme cases like this are
routinely winked at by elected officials afraid of appearing soft on drugs.

Crist wasn't the only one to express some shock. Even former hard
core drug warrior congressman, now the Florida's attorney general,
Bill McCollum expressed his dismay.

Maybe if Crist and McCollum took a close look at other drug cases
they might be even more disturbed. But, these guys are Republicans,
they allowed themselves some justified apprehension over one drug war
excess, and they used their power to correct it.

My hat is off to them.

As the season of U.S. presidential politics is already well underway,
it's hard not to notice some other dissension from drug war
orthodoxy. Outsiders in the race from both sides of the mainstream
parties (Republican Ron Paul and Democrat Dennis Kucinich) have
criticized multiple aspects of the drug war and have sponsored and/or
signed on to legislation that challenges some drug war policies.

All of the Democratic candidates have now somewhat famously agreed if
elected to stop federal raids on medical marijuana clinics in places
where they are allowed by state law. Current New Mexico Governor Bill
Richardson is pushing to implement his state's medical marijuana
program, even as he runs for president.

Sadly, there's still more prohibitionist rhetoric flowing in the
campaign - John McCain has said the drug war should be stepped up,
and I'm awaiting new anti-drug pronouncements by the law and order
wing of the Republicans with a cringe.

But, politicians say lots of things while they are campaigning.
Candidate George W. Bush said medical marijuana issues should be left
to the states.

So listen to the talk with a grain of salt, but pay attention to the
actions. The occasional good deed can slightly reduce the nausea
inspired by typical drug war politics, while demonstrating the
perceived need for ideological purity on drug issues may be going out
of political fashion.
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