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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MN: Profits From Selling Cocaine Make It A Lucrative
Title:US MN: Profits From Selling Cocaine Make It A Lucrative
Published On:2005-05-31
Source:Winona Daily News (MN)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 11:51:51

The profits from cocaine are so great that drug dealers have been known to
use two and four-engine airplanes on one-way flights into the United
States, abandoning the planes once delivery is made.

The reason so many people at all levels of society would risk incarceration
and put their lives at risk to deliver and sell the euphoric drug is
simple: A 15,000 to 20,000 percent markup in the cost of the drug from its
source to the consumer.

Data for 2003 from the United Nations shows Colombian coca base, extract
from the coca leaf, cost $360 per pound. But, during the same time frame in
the United States, the market price among distributors was about $17,000
per pound and on the street the cost was $48,000 per pound. Some drug
experts say the markup on the drug is as much as 100 to 1 once purchased at
the street level as cocaine powder or crack cocaine.

Americans spend more on cocaine than all legal drugs combined, according to
a White House Office of National Drug Control Policy study published in the
mid-1990s. The study estimated, between 1988 and 1995, $38 billion was
spent on cocaine in the U.S.

For centuries, it didn't cost the South American Andean farmer anything for
the quick stimulant effect he got from chewing on the leaves of a coca
plant. In its natural setting, the coca plant was chewed or brewed into tea
to enhance work performance, lift mood or produce euphoria.

It wasn't until the mid-nineteenth century that Europe and the United
States provided a market for the product of the coca plant. Western
physicians discovered the extracted ingredient, cocaine, could be used as a
local anesthetic, antidepressant and treatment for other maladies.

Unregulated, cocaine was added to patent medicines and beverages such as
wine and Coca-Cola. It was then that the coca plant began to take on
monetary value.

In 1887, states began passing anti-cocaine laws and in 1914, Congress
passed the Harrison Act, which led to a prohibition of all recreational
cocaine use. About that time, a black market for the drug developed and
smuggling from South America began -- a practice that continues today.

What began as a natural drug self-administered by peasants in South America
has evolved into a refined product that finds customers at all levels of
American society and in all geographical regions, including southeast

"I think the whole county is seeing cocaine. It's the main drug we see,
that I've been informed about. I'm getting that from the deputies off the
street," said Winona County Sheriff Dave Brand. "We are on a corridor, I
think. Highway 61 and Interstate 90 are main travelways coming out of
Chicago. They come here and set up a drug market. I hear the stuff is going
from semis and by rail, anyway they can transport it. It's big business in
the U.S."

It is such big business and the supply is so great, the price has been
coming down in recent years, despite the best efforts of the government and
law enforcement to support crop eradication in South America, interdict
importation of the drug and arrest dealers on a local level.

John Walters, the White House drug czar, estimated the price of a pure gram
of powder cocaine dropped from $161 in 2000 to $107 in early 2003. Winona
County Sheriff's Department Investigator Kraig Glover says cocaine is
currently selling here for $100 per gram. That's enough for four or five
highs, he said.

"So it's affordable," Glover said.

There are other costs involved in cocaine usage, the costs to society.

One of those costs is that borne by law enforcement agencies, the courts
and jail system. Cocaine is often associated with violent crime in
Minnesota. The Minneapolis Police Department estimates that 90 percent of
the city's violent crime is related to drugs and most of that is
attributable to cocaine abuse and distribution.

Victims of crimes and the families of all involved put economic pressure on
the government as well. It costs money for law enforcement, the courts,
incarceration, treatment and prevention programs, lost productivity at
work, lost jobs, welfare, health costs and increased social service needs
for children of drug-impaired families. The ripple effects of drug abuse go
on and on.

One estimate by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, now 10 years old, put
a figure of $97.7 billion on the economic cost to U.S. society from drug
abuse of all kinds, including alcohol.

Critics claim these kinds of figures are inflated by such things as placing
dollar amounts on a lifetime of lost wages from a premature death or
incarceration due to drugs. Much of the "costs to society" of drug use
would disappear under a legalized system, they say.

Brian Bennett, one proponent of drug legalization, said, "Any way we look
at the numbers, it is costing a lot more to fight the drug war than drug
use is supposedly costing us. As it stands now, every dollar spent trying
to stop people from doing things to themselves is a dollar that could have
been spent doing something else.

"Worst of all, labeling people as criminals and punishing them for doing
things to themselves is a 'cost to society' that our founders likely never
could have imagined we'd bear."

In recent years, numerous people have used the economic argument in
supporting drug legalization. Among them have been academics, law
enforcement officials and even the archconservative William F. Buckley.

But people on the front lines of the war on drugs, like Glover, see the
lawbreakers and the victims of their crimes and argue for more resources
because they are fighting a war, but not winning.

"You always see on TV, drug dealers are living high off the hog. But not
here. They are selling it to provide it for themselves," he said.

The crack cocaine users he sees when he serves search warrants in the
county are living in low-income housing, have little money and their houses
are filthy, he said. The kids are sick, a parent is stealing to pay for
drugs and the food "is not the best."

Cocaine is being used "everywhere" in the county, he said, and during his
four years in the department the drug use has increased.

Most of the drugs flow in from Chicago, he said, some of it from
unaffiliated dealers and some from drug networks.

The incidence of cocaine use is about the same in city and county and
through all economic classes.

"It's about the same all over," said Winona County Chief Deputy Sheriff Ron

He noted that a recent cocaine bust in Utica, Minn., led to the arrest of
five suspects who lived in Utica, St. Charles and several rural areas of
the county.

The two major highways through the county serve as transportation corridors
for drug delivery. U.S. Highway 61 and Interstate 90 are the biggest
problems, Ganrude said.

"They're major problems. They're right in the middle of where it's
(cocaine) going to and where it's coming from," he said.

Just as Glover described the social cost he had witnessed in families
caught in a downward spiral of drugs, Winona County Human Services Director
Craig Brooks says cocaine has a detrimental effect on the social fabric of
the county. It's an effect his staff sees both in terms of shattered lives
and in costs to the county for services, he said. But it's not as
pronounced as one would see in the Twin Cities.

Brooks says his department deals with the fallout from drug use, such as
child neglect, a breakdown in child support and families that split apart.
Delinquency increases in families of drug users and more children are
placed in foster homes, he said.

Cocaine use is associated with the people who get caught, usually the lower
socio-economic citizens, but it is going on in the upper strata of society
as well, he said.

"It's still there, just not seen as much," he said. "From what we can see,
it isn't limited to one social strata. It's across all strata," Brooks said.
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