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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MA: LTE: Misguided Citizens
Title:US MA: LTE: Misguided Citizens
Published On:2005-06-03
Source:Berkshire Eagle, The (Pittsfield, MA)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 11:39:44

To the Editor of THE EAGLE:

For years the local media have reported on juvenile lawbreakers in Great
Barrington. The reports have been a wake-up call to every responsible Great
Barrington parent. It appears that parents and supporters of the drug
dealers, now organized as "Concerned Citizens," missed or ignored the call.
Drug dealers use students to sell addiction to their acquaintances and
underclassmates, using peer pressure. They choose to ruin the lives of
school kids and others in order to support their personal lifestyle rather
than work an honest job. The occurrence of crime mushrooms as drug users
rob and steal to pay the dealers.

These damnable people know that addiction is sometimes permanent, fatal and
that it puts more money in their pockets. Some persons are tormented by
desire for drugs until they overdose and die. A great jazz trumpet man and
addict, Charlie Parker, stated, "One can get drugs out of their body but
can't get drugs out of the mind." Countless other wonderful people have
overdosed and died. Still with us are despicable drug pushers.

And the "saddened and appalled" parents and supporters of the alleged drug
dealers of Great Barrington present themselves as "Concerned Citizens" when
there has been trouble in Barrington for years. Where were the "Concerned
Citizens" these prior years? The greatest coincidence - they just
became motivated and issue-oriented upon the booking of their children.
These "saddened appalled citizens" have 2,000 signatures of support. They
then presume the right to snap at the heels of our D.A. and persist that
the law be bent to accommodate their children.

The group should jack up its perception of parental responsibility, values
and justice, and get supporting signatures from persons and families whose
lives have been ripped apart by drugs; bring them to our D.A.! The
enforcement organization which took the step to protect our students from
this predatory behavior has my greatest appreciation and respect, as does
District Attorney Capeless, and Vice Principal Howard Trombley at Monument
Mountain Regional High School. Years of reports of violence suggest that
perhaps some authorities such as probation officers have been so lenient
that some young people don't understand there is consequence for violating
civil and criminal law. If so, the authorities are equally to blame.

Tyrone Ward

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