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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: Column: No Toking In These Tropics
Title:US CO: Column: No Toking In These Tropics
Published On:2005-06-02
Source:Aspen Times (CO)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 11:38:11

This column isn't for everyone. I'm writing about something serious. I know
some of you are going to disagree with me, but I'm hoping a lot of you will
feel the way I do.

So let me narrow my audience right now. If you have ever smoked marijuana
and think it's an enjoyable, pretty much harmless way to get high -- keep
reading. This column is meant for you.

If you've smoked marijuana and maybe didn't really enjoy it, but still
think it's mostly harmless -- keep reading.

And even if you've never smoked marijuana, even if you think it's a bad
thing and ought to be illegal, but you consider smoking marijuana to be
less evil than, for example, murder or terrorism -- keep reading, this
column is still meant for you.

The rest of you, the (hopefully) small number who consider marijuana more
evil than murder -- you can stop right now and move on to some other part
of the paper.

Now that we've narrowed the audience, here's what I need to say:


In fact, boycott all of Indonesia.

If you're a traveler, don't go there. If you're a travel agent, don't send
your clients there. If you're a businessman, don't invest there. And,
please, spread the word.

Starting today, do not send one cent of your money or one iota of your
personal energy to Bali.

Many of you will already know what I am talking about. In case you don't,
here's what's going on:

Last week, a young Australian woman was sentenced to 20 years in jail -- I
repeat, 20 years -- for attempting to smuggle about 9 pounds of marijuana
into Bali.

We should note that the 20-year sentence was officially "lenient." Bali
allows the death penalty for smuggling marijuana -- indeed, the prosecutor
has said he will appeal her sentence and try to get a harsher one, life
imprisonment, at least.

And perhaps this is the place to mention Abu Bakar Bashir, the Muslim
cleric who was convicted of being behind the 2002 terrorist bombing in Bali
that killed more than 200 people. He was sentenced to 30 months in jail --
30 months. Apparently, in the Indonesian system of justice, murdering 200
people in a terrorist bombing is a far less serious crime than attempting
to carry 9 pounds of marijuana into the country.

Now, here's the thing: There's not much we can really do about this savage

Indonesia is a sovereign country. It has a right to pass and enforce its
own laws. Vile as this sentence may be, it isn't something that justifies
an act of war.

Quite honestly, there are laws in the United States that offend people
around the world and criminal sentences imposed here have raised
international outrage. As a nation we sneer at that outrage, just as
Indonesia can sneer at our outrage now.

But that does not mean we have to smile, shrug and accept what has happened.

There's not much that we can do, but we can, at least, refuse to send
ourselves or our money to that country. I understand the arguments against
boycotts. Some people are already saying that a boycott of Bali would only
hurt innocent people trying to make a living and would leave the judges and
the justice system untouched.

That may be partly true, but Indonesia is a parliamentary democracy. They
elect their president; they elect their representatives. The people and
their representatives should be able to respond to a painful expression of
international disapproval.

We sent hundreds of millions of dollars to Indonesia in aid after the
recent tsunami. We have shown our concern for the people of that nation.
Now we need to be able to show our disapproval of their wretched system of

I know it's difficult to rouse people to action on behalf of fair marijuana
laws. Bali is one of those official tropical paradises where dope smokers
love to go. It would be far too easy -- and far too typical -- for stoners
to find themselves at the Bali airport saying, "Huh? Dude? Weren't we
supposed to not ... or something ... or ... huh?"

But we can't do that. There are other paradises to visit.

Boycott Bali!

Andy Stone is former editor of The Aspen Times.
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