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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Home Blast Puts Man in Burn Unit
Title:US CA: Home Blast Puts Man in Burn Unit
Published On:2005-06-04
Source:Contra Costa Times (CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 04:06:14

PLEASANTON - A 21-year-old man was listed in fair condition Friday at
a San Jose hospital burn unit after he was injured in an explosion,
apparently set off by using drug paraphernalia near a water heater.

Ethan King was apparently trying to convert marijuana into hashish
with a homemade device that uses gas fuel, said Pleasanton police Sgt.
Craig Eicher. He was operating in the bathroom of his apartment, next
to a water heater. The gas filled the room and ignited the water
heater, causing an explosion about 9:15 p.m. Thursday that knocked
King to the ground.

He suffered third- and fourth-degree burns on one arm, an hand and a
portion of his face. He was taken by helicopter to the Santa Clara
Medical Center burn unit, where he is expected to remain for a while,
police said.

A 22-year-old woman was also inside the apartment, but neither she nor
anyone other than King was injured. The damage was limited to the
apartment, Eicher said.

Downstairs neighbor Saren Salon said she was playing a video game with
her husband when she heard the explosion. Her mother, Sharon
Valentino, was doing laundry and her children were sleeping.

"There was a very big boom," she said, "And the whole apartment
shook." She quickly gathered her kids and pets and everyone went outside.

The normally quiet apartment complex was in near pandemonium. At first
she and other neighbors thought the fire had to do with a washer and
dryer malfunction. But a maintenance man told residents the explosion
was caused by "an external source" and not by malfunctioning apartment

Salon saw King -- who she doesn't know well -- panicking and saw the
skin on his arm peeling away because of the burns.

Police will forward a complaint to the district attorney's office,
whose prosecutors will decide whether to file charges against King,
Eicher said. Because he will most likely be in the hospital for some
time, police can't physically arrest him. He will likely be charged
with various drug violations, including a drug manufacturing for sale
charge, Eicher said.
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