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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MA: PUB LTE: Bad Law, Irresponsibly Used
Title:US MA: PUB LTE: Bad Law, Irresponsibly Used
Published On:2005-06-11
Source:Berkshire Eagle, The (Pittsfield, MA)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 03:02:21

To the Editor of THE EAGLE:-

Justice without mercy? The draconian mandatory minimum sentencing
guidelines are throwbacks from another era. The legislature enacted these
laws in a knee-jerk reaction to the horrors of the drug epidemic in the
late '70s and early '80s. They are an anachronism, the product of an
outdated way of thinking, a weapon in what Ronald Reagan so eloquently
deemed "The War on Drugs." Now, 20 years later with prisons bulging at
the seams from non-violent drug offenders; the laws have proven to be
ineffective, and unfair, as well as an undue burden on the taxpayer.

It's interesting that the even-minded, intelligent capable men and women of
our city government could set civil standards in the drafting of an
ordinance prohibiting the opening of an adult entertainment establishment,
i.e. strip club, within 200 feet from a playground; yet a 17-year-old kid
not even old enough to be a patron of such an establishment has to be
sentenced to a mandatory two years for selling a marijuana joint within a
thousand feet of the property of a school.

I'm currently serving 15 to 20 years in state prison for a non-violent drug
offense. I grew up in Berkshire County, and at age 24, as a full-time
college student, I was arrested and sent to prison. A large portion of my
minimum mandatory sentence is the result of the school zone statute. In my
case, the alleged illegal act took place 999.6 feet from the property line
of the nearest school. That's just six inches inside the thousand feet that
can trigger the ability of law enforcement to tack on a school zone charge,
and thereby enhance any sentence with a mandatory two years.

These laws aren't being used as they were intended. Until the Legislature
repeals them, they are on the books. The only caveat is the district
attorney's authority to exercise discretion in applying and prosecuting
them. It is a much the duty of the district attorney to zealously protect
the community from the ills of criminality as it is his responsibility to
uphold and preserved the citizen's rights. With authority comes
responsibility. To sent young, impressionable, otherwise good kids to a
prison cell in lieu of other alternatives when they pose no danger to the
community is irresponsible.

JOSHUA G. STEGEMAN Shirley, June 2, 2005
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