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News (Media Awareness Project) - US SC: Column: Socking It To Lawbreaking Ill People
Title:US SC: Column: Socking It To Lawbreaking Ill People
Published On:2005-06-10
Source:Sun News (Myrtle Beach, SC)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 02:51:20


Monday's Supreme Court ruling against state-sanctioned medical
marijuana use will keep the terminally ill and chronic pain sufferers
from firing up a marijuana joint, getting stoned and, in addition to
risking acute munchies, enjoying a temporary reprieve from hellish

Thank G-d we've got that particular homeland security problem under
control. Why, in the age of terror, one can never be too careful with
dying people who have nothing left to lose.

The high court's 6-3 decision, in fact, had little to do with whether
suffering people deserve relief, but whether the federal government
has authority over states that have authorized medical marijuana use.
The court ruled that even though medical marijuana may be homegrown
and not for sale, it falls under the federal Controlled Substances

While lawyers hash out the legal intricacies, normal people are left
wondering whether the Supreme Court has been partaking of the evil
weed. Exceptions would be dissenters Chief Justice William Rehnquist
and Justices Sandra Day O'Connor and Clarence Thomas. Who, after all,
gets hurt when dying or sick people smoke pot?

Quick aside to the feds: When my spine is disintegrating from cancer
and I'm blind from glaucoma and I can't take a breath without
agonizing pain, I'm gonna toke up, OK? Just FYI.

Ironically, the Supreme Court ruling follows a study by Harvard
professor Jeffrey Miron recommending that the U.S. legalize and tax
marijuana (prohibitioncosts.org). Endorsed by some 500 economists,
including Milton Friedman, the report noted the high cost of marijuana
prohibition - about $7.7 billion annually - and the boon to the
economy an estimated $6.2 billion per year in taxes would provide.

Justice John Paul Stevens, who wrote the court's decision, offered a
glimmer of hope when he noted that Congress could change the law to
allow for medicinal uses of marijuana. By any measure, such a legal
shift is long overdue and likely would be hugely popular.

In an unscientific poll posted Monday on MSNBC's Web site,
self-selecting respondents were asked: "Should the federal government
prosecute medical marijuana users, now that it has been given the OK
by the Supreme Court?"

By midday, more than 63,000 had responded, with

88 percent saying "no." Ten percent said "yes," and

2 percent weren't sure.

Otherwise, more than 60 U.S. and international health organizations,
including the American Public Health Association and the American
Nurses Association, support allowing sick people to use marijuana
under a doctor's care, according to the marijuana advocacy group
NORML. (Go to norml.org for a list and other information.)

As absurd as Monday's ruling seems, advocates for medical marijuana
are not optimistic Congress will have the courage to pass more
reasonable marijuana laws. Which raises the question: Whatever
happened to compassionate conservatism?

What's more conservative, after all, than getting the federal
government out of private, victimless, state-sanctioned decisions? And
what's more compassionate than letting a woman with brain cancer feel
a little less tortured during her final days?

Congress has an opportunity to demonstrate how compassionate
conservatism works by passing a bipartisan measure - the "States'
Rights to Medical Marijuana Act" (HR 2087) - that recently was
reintroduced. Defeated previously, the act would change marijuana's
classification so doctors could prescribe it under certain
circumstances without altering current laws related to recreational

Thanks to the triumph of common sense over Prohibition, I can drink to
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