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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MD: PUB LTE: Public's Will Ignored On Medical Marijuana
Title:US MD: PUB LTE: Public's Will Ignored On Medical Marijuana
Published On:2005-06-20
Source:Baltimore Sun (MD)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 02:21:39

Clarence Page argued that the public needs to make itself heard on the
medical cannabis situation ("Supreme Court overreaches with medical
marijuana ruling," Opinion Commentary, June 10).

But the public has made itself heard - some surveys have found that 80
percent of the public believes using cannabis for medicinal purposes
should be legal.

The problem is that federal officials - elected and unelected - aren't
listening. And unfortunately, there are so many issues on the table
that no elected official is likely to lose an election based on this
one small issue. Also, most people aren't directly affected by this
issue, and it does not have the visceral appeal of abortion or gay

But considering the absolutely slavish devotion to polls practiced by
most of Washington's power elite, it's difficult to imagine another
issue on which public opinion is so lopsided that isn't being addressed.

Obviously, some very powerful special interests are at

William Trollinger
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