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News (Media Awareness Project) - US VA: OPED: Beware Of Drug-Dealing Predators
Title:US VA: OPED: Beware Of Drug-Dealing Predators
Published On:2005-07-01
Source:Roanoke Times (VA)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 01:20:14

My sister Debra and I used to make mud pies together and fight over
who could make the biggest one. We used to dress up and wear our
mother's makeup and dresses. We protected each other from others
hurting us or making fun of us.

We were always there for each other until the drug dealers took her
away from our family. Debra was weak, and they preyed upon her
weakness, and they fed her habit on a daily basis.

Every time I would put my sister in rehab, the drug dealers would
call as soon as she got out and tempt her again and again and again.
They never stopped and they would never leave her alone.

She lost almost everything she ever had because of them. Of course,
it was her choice to use drugs, but the dealers enabled her to do so.

What people don't know about drug dealers is that they don't use the
drugs, they just push them. These dealers know how dangerous drugs
are and that they kill, but it doesn't bother them because that's how
they make their money - by killing other people.

Drug dealers are predators. They take no responsibility for their
actions - just the money. God only knows for sure how much blood of
the meek they have on their hands. Families are left without our
loved ones and left to clean up the mess these drug dealers contributed to.

Drug dealers may think they're not seen or that nobody knows what
they are and what they do, but God sees everything they're doing and
also sees all the lives that have ended because of them. They may
think they're getting away with something, but they're not. And I
pray for their souls.

Debra was nothing but a drug addict to the drug dealers, but she was
my sister and my friend, and they took her away. She is at peace now,
and the dealers no longer have a hold on her. She has gone home to be
with the Lord.

Even the day she died, June 10, they called that evening looking for
her. When they were told that she had passed away, they didn't even
care. She couldn't feed their habit anymore.

I write this to all the families who have lost a loved one to drugs.
Our loved ones were sick, and they had a disease that we couldn't
cure or control. Please don't feel guilty. You did the best you could
for your loved one, and I know that I did the best I could have done
for my sister.

Don't let anyone pass judgment on your loved one, even though the
choices he or she made weren't the right ones. Remember that it
wasn't our loved one's fault. It was the fault of the drug dealers
who fed their habits and made money from our loved one's weakness.

My heart goes out to all of you.
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