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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: How Dangerous Is Ecstasy, and Is There a Case to Review Its Legal Status?
Title:UK: How Dangerous Is Ecstasy, and Is There a Case to Review Its Legal Status?
Published On:2008-01-03
Source:Independent (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-11 15:40:03


Why are we asking this now?

Because the outspoken chief constable of North Wales, Richard
Brunstrom, has reignited the debate over the legalisation of drugs by
saying that Ecstasy, used mainly in clubs and at raves, is "far safer
than aspirin". He also said that the legalisation of all drugs was
inevitable and only a decade away. His comments drew criticism from
MPs, anti-drugs pressure groups and relatives of people whose deaths
have been related to the use of Ecstasy. Some have called on him to

Others involved in the drugs debate found his comments frustrating.
Martin Barnes, chief executive of the independent drug information and
expertise centre DrugScope, said: "On an issue as complex and emotive
as drug policy, it's a shame that unhelpful soundbites from people in
authority cause a publicity storm, rather than opening up a calm,
informed debate."

What Exactly Did He Say About Ecstasy?

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, he said: "There's a lot of
scaremongering and rumour-mongering around Ecstasy in particular. It
isn't borne out by the evidence."

He added: "Ecstasy is a remarkably safe substance -- it's far safer
than aspirin. If you look at the Government's own research into deaths
you'll find that Ecstasy, by comparison to many other substances --
legal and illegal -- it is comparably a safe substance."

It is not the first time Mr Brunstrom has hit the headlines, as he is
a long-time campaigner for the legalisation of drugs. He said that the
evidence was "very clear" that prohibition was not and could not work,
adding that "an enforcement-led strategy is making things worse, not

Who Else Supports Legalisation?

Mr Brunstrom admitted that he was "certainly out of step" with most
other senior police officers, but said that there were others among
the upper ranks of the police service who agreed with his support for
an end to prohibition. There are also senior politicians in all three
major political parties who are privately sympathetic to the
legalisation of drugs, but the issue is too sensitive with the
electorate for them to call for any change in the drugs laws publicly.

The lobby group Transform is in support of the legalisation of
Ecstasy, along with all other drugs. It says it would save the country
billions of pounds on drug-related crime, make drugs safer through
proper regulation, and stop money from being diverted into the hands
of criminal gangs.

What is Ecstasy?

Ecstasy is usually taken in the form of a pill, but is increasingly
taken in other forms such as a powder or crystals. It gives users a
"rush" of energy, which is why it is mainly used by clubbers. It also
makes sounds and colours more intense, and often produces intense
feelings of love and friendship between those who take it. Its active
ingredient is Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), although the
amount of MDMA in each pill varies greatly. Users describe it as being
like a combination of taking amphetamines and a weak kind of
hallucinogen, such as LSD.

So Is Ecstasy Really Dangerous?

The exact number of deaths brought about by Ecstasy use is hard to pin
down, as it depends how the figure is measured. According to the
National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths, compiled from looking at
coroners' reports from around the UK, there were 42 deaths related to
Ecstasy-type drugs in 2006. Most of those involved the taking of
Ecstasy in combination with other drugs, though. Only 16 deaths came
after the use of an Ecstasy-type drug alone. And even within that
figure, very few deaths have ever been caused by direct poisoning from
the drug. Most come from other related effects, most commonly
overheating and dehydrating in a hot club. Some cases -- such as the
high-profile death of Leah Betts in 1995 -- involved consuming fatal
quantities of fluid after taking Ecstasy. Supporters of legalisation
argue that such deaths could be avoided with health warnings that
would accompany proper regulation.

Though attention has been focused on Ecstasy-related deaths, it may
also cause non-fatal damage to the brain, though the evidence is so
far inconclusive. The drug's effect on the heart means that anyone
with a heart condition, blood-pressure problems, epilepsy or asthma
can have dangerous reactions to it. And it does create some unpleasant
but less serious symptoms, such as nausea, a dry mouth and sweating.

How Many People Use It?

Ecstasy is mainly used by clubbers to keep them dancing all night. Its
use was strongest at the height of the rave culture in the early
1990s, but has since fallen. The most up-to-date government figures,
compiled in 2004, found that 4.8 per cent of 10 to 25-year-olds
surveyed had taken Ecstasy, while the figure for people between 18 and
25 was nine per cent.

What Does The Law Say About Ecstasy?

Ecstasy is currently ranked as a Class A drug, along with the likes of
cocaine and heroin. It is therefore illegal to have, give away or
sell. Possession of Ecstasy carries a maximum prison sentence of seven
years. Supplying the drug can result in an unlimited fine and even
life imprisonment.

Is Legalisation Really On The Cards?

One group that thinks so is Transform. Its director, Danny Kushlick,
said: "The reason that people call Ecstasy "pills" is because we have
no idea what goes into them. If prohibition was brought to an end, we
could see the introduction of proper ingredients lists, health
warnings and quality control." He added: "Legalisation could be 10
years away. But what we need first is for the supporters of such a
policy to speak out. They are just not prepared to do that at the moment."

In reality, though, there is very little political will for a total
legalisation of drugs. Since coming to power, Gordon Brown has hinted
at strengthening current drug laws, rather than repealing them.
Perhaps more likely is the reclassification of Ecstasy under the
Misuse of Drugs Act. The Government's commitment to "evidence-based"
drug laws suggests that the laws should be updated periodically. Back
in 2003, a group of MPs dabbled with the idea of downgrading Ecstasy
from a Class A drug to a Class B drug, alongside other amphetamines
such as speed. But the idea was dismissed by ministers.

The possibility of a reclassification of Ecstasy has re-emerged
recently. The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, which advises
the government on drug policy, will review the evidence regarding the
effects of Ecstasy, and will then make a recommendation over the
classification of the drug some time this year.

Should Ecstasy Be Legalised By The Government?


* In reality, very few deaths are caused by ecstasy, and legalising it
would allow proper quality control

* Money would stop being channelled to the criminal gangs which are
involved in supplying drugs across Britain

* The policy of enforcement and criminalising users has shown little
sign of working


* Ecstasy could be responsible for causing brain damage. If we don't
know all the facts, we should err on the side of caution

* People do die each year after taking ecstasy, though the degree to
which the drug is directly responsible is disputed

* There is very little demand for the legalisation of ecstasy among
the public or politicians. Reclassification is more realistic
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