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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: Drug Regulation, Not Prohibition, A Better Policy
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: Drug Regulation, Not Prohibition, A Better Policy
Published On:2004-11-06
Source:North County Times (Escondido, CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-16 00:31:04

It was wonderful to see the Oct. 30 article, "Students march, say no to
drugs and violence." But the only way we will get the drug dealers to say
no to drugs and violence is by removing the obscene profit motive from the
drug trade.

That could happen if we ended drug prohibition. The only thing the war on
drugs has guaranteed is that illicit drugs are cheaper, more potent and
far easier to get now than they were 34 years ago when I started buying
them as an undercover officer. For years our children have reported in
government surveys that it is easier for them to buy illegal drugs than to
buy beer and cigarettes. So who is winning this war?

A 26-year police veteran, I'm the director of LEAP, a 2,000-member
education organization created to give voice to law enforcement personnel
who believe the war on drugs is not only a dismal failure, but a terribly
destructive policy.

We believe a policy of drug regulation and control is far better than
prohibition for lowering the incidence of death, disease, crime and
addiction. What's more, we can accomplish that policy without destroying
generations of our children by arresting and imprisoning them.


Executive Director

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
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