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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Series: Meth Fuels Domestic Abuse (Part 2a)
Title:US CA: Series: Meth Fuels Domestic Abuse (Part 2a)
Published On:2005-07-21
Source:Union Democrat, The (Sonora, CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 23:45:44
Series: Meth In The Mother Lode (Part 2a)


Kathy Butler, an employee at Mountain Women's Resource Center, says many of
the women at the center's Tuolumne County shelters report their abuser's
violence only intensifies when the men use meth.

Kitty Trunnell, a manager at Human Resources Council's Calaveras Women's
Crisis Center, agrees.

"Meth is definitely a problem with domestic violence," she said. "Meth is
definitely a problem in Calaveras County."

Trunnell said victims of sexual assault and domestic violence who are sent
to the center's shelter complete a 15-page questionnaire. Some of those
questions ask about drug use - ranging from heroin, marijuana and alcohol.
One question asks: "When did you last use crank?"

In 2003, the center provided services to 1,911 adults and 3,050 children.
Statistics from 2003-04 include: 993 hot-line calls answered, 570 women and
men getting help with temporary restraining orders and 199 women and
children receiving emergency food and clothing.

Women seeking help from an abusive relationship can call the Mountain
Women's Resource Center at 588-9305, or HRC Calaveras Women's Crisis Center
at 754-1300.
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