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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: PUB LTE: Monitoring Meth (2 Of 2)
Title:US: PUB LTE: Monitoring Meth (2 Of 2)
Published On:2005-08-01
Source:New Yorker Magazine (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 22:51:35
(2 Of 2)


Specter writes of Search Criaslist.com to get a sense of the number of gay
men looking to have sex while using crystal meth. Typing in "PNP" ("party
and play"), he found seven hundred and seventy-one entries "just for that
day." However, such searches retrieve matching ads in reverse chronological
order, most of them posted on previous days. As I write, a search retrieves
seven hundred and eighty-six entries, but only twenty-eight were posted
today. Also, any posting including the phrase "no PNP" would have been
retrieved, too, further whittling down the fantastic number. These days, it
is common for men to state that they are not interested in sex with drugs.

Graham Coppin

New York City
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