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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NY: PUB LTE: Irony Abounds Concerning Inner-City Crime Comments
Title:US NY: PUB LTE: Irony Abounds Concerning Inner-City Crime Comments
Published On:2005-08-12
Source:Post-Standard, The (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 20:56:47

To the Editor:

Was it just me, or did anyone else see the irony in Mark David Blum's
Aug. 5 rant against the gang-controlled Elk Block "Crack-a-teria,"
conveniently located at Midland Avenue and West Colvin Street?

I find it laughable that Mr. Blum can sit on his Barcalounger in a
nice, safe, suburban white enclave such as Manlius and point his
finger and say, "They're the bad guys . . . all 16 of them."

Not only does he go on to disrespect the U.S. District Attorney's
Office (and his minions), law enforcement officers, Police Chief
Miguel and the Syracuse Common Council, but he blames prohibitionists
for the cycle of inner-city poverty, crime, violence and drug use.

One only need turn to page E-2 (same issue), to witness the irony in
"Stoned in the Suburbs," an article about a Showtime premiere that
finds entertainment value in a sit-com showcasing a white female
suburban drug dealer (see "Weeds"). The message should read: Black,
male, inner-city drug dealers BAD; white, female, suburban drug
dealers GOOD.

Before we start minimizing society's ills or pointing fingers of
blame, perhaps we should ask, "Who is smoking what?"


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