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News (Media Awareness Project) - US VT: Treat Pot Like Booze And Save $$$, Economists Say
Title:US VT: Treat Pot Like Booze And Save $$$, Economists Say
Published On:2005-08-08
Source:Out In The Mountains (VT)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 20:45:46

MONTPELIER - In a report released in June, Dr. Jeffrey Miron, visiting
professor of economics at Harvard University, estimated that replacing
marijuana prohibition with a system of taxation and regulation similar
to that used for alcoholic beverages would produce combined savings
and tax revenues of between $10 billion and $14 billion per year
nationally and from $8.3 million to $9.4 million or more in Vermont.

Vermont Marijuana Policy Project State Organizer Nancy Lynch urged
Vermonters to consider how these savings and revenues could be used
locally. Nationally, a group of more than 500 distinguished economists
- - led by Nobel Prize-winner Dr. Milton Friedman - released an open
letter to President Bush and other public officials calling for "an
open and honest debate about marijuana prohibition," adding, "We
believe such a debate will favor a regime in which marijuana is legal
but taxed and regulated like other goods."

"With Vermont's Medicaid program facing a 2006 shortfall of up to $70
million, we need to look closely at how we're spending our money and
whether we're getting our money's worth," Lynch said. "A system of
taxation and common-sense regulation will not only save money that
Vermont desperately needs for health care and other programs, it will
give our state better control over marijuana."

Legislation to regulate marijuana was introduced in the Vermont House
by Rep. Winston Dowland (P-Derby Line). The bill, cosponsored by Rep.
David Deen (D-Westminster), did not make it out of committee before
the end of the first session of the legislative biennium.

Using data from a variety of federal and state government sources,
Miron's paper, "The Budgetary Implications of Marijuana Prohibition,"
concludes that replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of legal
regulation would save Vermont approximately $6.6 million annually in
government expenditures on prohibition enforcement, while taxation of
regulated marijuana sales would raise between $1.7 million and $2.8
million in new revenue if marijuana were taxed like ordinary consumer
goods. Revenue would increase if marijuana were taxed at the higher
rates that apply to tobacco and alcohol.

Lynch admitted in an interview that the savings figures do not reflect
the costs of setting up regulatory agencies, hiring inspectors,
establishing product standards, or promulgating rules for marijuana
production and sale. Further, the costs for enforcement, perhaps along
the model of alcohol enforcement, have not been taken into account,
including testing of unauthorized users, their arrest, prosecution,
and incarceration for those found guilty of violating

While Miron notes that many factors beyond costs and tax revenues
would need to be considered in evaluating possible changes in
marijuana laws, he said, "These budgetary impacts should be included
in any rational debate about marijuana policy."

Miron's report is available at http://www.prohibitioncosts.org
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