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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WI: Meth Labs Are Toxic Waste Sites
Title:US WI: Meth Labs Are Toxic Waste Sites
Published On:2005-08-22
Source:Spooner Advocate (WI)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 19:45:51

Anyone who has ever have ever seen a photo of a methamphetamine or "meth"
lab being cleaned up has probably seen people wearing what appears to be
big protective white moonsuits from head to toe.

There is a reason for the special clothing -- meth labs are considered
toxic waste sites.

Experts say 1 pound of finished meth results in 5 pounds of toxic waste.
Considering a meth lab can be placed literally anywhere -- a barn, trailer,
car, attic, or the room rented beside a city street -- one has to ask what
is happening to the waste.

Washburn County law enforcement officials say they have come upon meth
chemicals spilled out on rural roads, and in January of this year, a meth
lab was busted in the city of Spooner that required special investigative
team from Milwaukee and and a cleanup firm from North Dakota to remove the

To give just an idea of the chemicals used in meth production, the
following chemicals are listed in the Washburn County Drug and Endangered
Children (DEC) protocol for investigating meth labs:

*Acetone (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, varnishes, rubber cement) *Anhydrous
Ammonia (household cleaners, fertilizer) *White gas (fuel for lamps and
heaters) *Ephedrine/Pseudofed (pharmaceuticals, cold medicine) *Ethanol
(alcoholic beverages, perfumes, pharmaceuticals) *Ethyl Ether (solvents or
extractant for fats, waxes, starting fluid, perfumes, diesel, anesthetic in
surgery) *Hydriodic Acid (driveway cleaner, chemical regent) *Hydrogen
Chlorine Gas (iron ore processing) *Hydrogen Peroxide (topical
antiseptics/cleanser, mouthwash, sanitary lotions) *Iodine Crystals (iodine
solutions, antiseptics, germicides) *Isopropyl Alcohol (solvents,
disinfectant, nail polish remover) *Lithium (lithium batteries) *Methanol
(antifreeze, brake cleaner, industrial solvent) *Methyl-Ethyl Ketone (used
in production of coating solvents, aluminum foil, lacquers, degreasing
agents) *Muriatic Acid (swimming pool agent) *Red Phosphorous
(pyrotechnics, used in manufacture of fertilizers and pesticides) *Sodium
Hydroxide (toilet bowl cleaner, drain cleaner) *Sulfuric Acid (battery
acid, used in manufacture of explosives, paper, glue) *Toluene (solvent for
paints and lacquers, and a gasoline additive)
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