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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: Medical Marijuana Confiscated
Title:US CO: Medical Marijuana Confiscated
Published On:2005-08-30
Source:Rocky Mountain Collegian, The (CO Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 19:02:42

Federal and state laws have clashed in opposition with one another and left
those who claim marijuana eases suffering from painful illnesses such as
cancer, wide-eyed and bewildered.

Even though a patient in Colorado may have a certificate to possess
marijuana for medicinal purposes, they are still subject to prosecution
under the federal law.

Timothy Haas' doctor recommended he use marijuana for medicinal purposes
and his half-ounce of the drug was confiscated from him about three weeks
ago in Denver, his lawyer said to the Associated Press

Haas' lawyer, Robert Corry, said due to an undisclosed medical condition,
Haas uses the drug to ease severe pain and back problems.

The marijuana was found during a security check at Denver Hospital where
Haas was visiting his brother, Corry said.

The officer confiscated the drug even after Haas showed him a copy of the
doctor's recommendation that he use marijuana.

The line used to determine the legality of medicinal marijuana can be blurry.

Under state law, residents of Colorado are allowed to grow and possess
small amounts of the drug if they have a certificate verifying the drug is
for pain relief. Federal law, however, still considers the drug illegal.

Brian Vicente, executive director of Sensible Colorado, a non-profit
organization that works pro bono on drug reform policy in Colorado, said
state police are sworn to uphold state law. Since medical marijuana is
illegal is the eyes of the federal law, it is federal authorities that
should enforce federal law.

"Patients do have the right to possess this medicine," Vicente said. "The
police officer was really out of line."

Tim Kelleher, junior construction management major , disagrees.

"It's plain and simple. The federal law says it's illegal so it's illegal,"
Kelleher said. "He clearly broke the law and should have to face the

However, junior engineering science major Krista VanBuren does not see a
problem with patients possessing and using marijuana for medical purposes
because of personal reasons.

VanBuren's mother used marijuana to ease pain before she died from brain

"If someone is in that much pain and (marijuana) helps them, I think it
should be okay," VanBuren said. "That's why I feel that way - because of my
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