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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IA: Edu: PUB LTE: Privacy Protection
Title:US IA: Edu: PUB LTE: Privacy Protection
Published On:2005-09-21
Source:Daily Iowan, The (IA Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 12:52:22

Your editorial ("Watch Out for Walk-and-Talks," Sept. 19) was excellent.
Criminal defense attorneys are often faced with clients who have invited
the police into their homes and/or have given consent to a search of their
home or vehicle - thus turning what might otherwise have been (at least
arguably) an unconstitutional and invalid search into a (probably)
constitutional search - and a conviction. So please consider just saying
"NO" if a law-enforcement officer asks permission to enter your residence
or to search your home or car - say it politely, because no one likes a
smart alec, but make it crystal clear that you are not consenting to any
type of entry or search.

Even if you are 100 percent positive that you don't have any illegal stuff
stashed under your bed or in your glove compartment, there's nothing wrong
with taking the position that you don't want law-enforcement officers
entering or rummaging around your constitutionally protected (more or less)
personal space. Keep in mind that unless you're the only person who has
ever been inside your residence or occupied your vehicle, you CANNOT be
certain that a search won't uncover contraband - because, without your
knowledge, someone (an overnight guest, your roommate's ex-boyfriend, the
girl you gave a ride home to after the game) might have accidentally left
her or his big bag of marijuana behind your couch or under the back seat of
your SUV. So better safe than sorry.

Mary Lynn Wolfe

Iowa City resident
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