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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WI: Marijuana Rally Speakers Demand Decriminalization
Title:US WI: Marijuana Rally Speakers Demand Decriminalization
Published On:2005-10-03
Source:Daily Cardinal (U of WI, Madison, Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 11:50:44

Harvest Fest 2005 celebrated its 35th year in Madison this weekend,
attracting activists and pot smokers from as far away as California.

Kicking off the festivities with a Friday-night fund-raiser hosted by
the Cardinal Bar, festival attendees were treated to a host of
bluegrass, jam and rock music Saturday and Sunday on Library Mall.
Prominent speakers such as Keith Stroup, founder and former head of
the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, also
bolstered support.

Vendors selling everything from folk art and t-shirts to glass pipes
and jewelry descended on the Square, joining booths set up for
interest groups such as the American Cannabis Society and Is My
Medicine Legal Yet. Events on Sunday culminated in a parade up State
Street to the Capitol. More than 100 people, many lighting up pipes
and joints, marched up State Street to cries of "Hey hey, ho ho, the
drug war has got to go!"

Saturday's highlight featured Stroup speaking on issues of personal
freedom and pot smoking. The founder of America's pro-marijuana lobby
in Washington D.C., Stroup wasted no time as he took the stage.

"I smoke pot and I like it a lot," he said.

Raising issues such as the cost of law enforcement resources devoted
to marijuana crimes and imprisonment of otherwise upstanding citizens,
Stroup's oration lent credibility and seriousness to the issue of
repealing marijuana prohibition in the United States.

"We've got to find a way to convert public support to public policy,"
Stroup said, discussing the mission he began in 1970 when he founded
NORML. "Think of the potential political power we have if we simply
learn to use it."

The festival's relaxed atmosphere attracted many students and adults.
Jeff Baren with the Cannabis Society of America described his first
year at Harvest Fest as "fantabulous."

UW-Madison sophomore Jeff Mann said, "It's a great festival, I donated
some money and heard some good music, it's totally awesome."

This weekend's events coincide with a new Medical Marijuana Bill
recently introduced by State Rep. Mark Pocan (D). The bill is set to
be introduced in November, but this weekend's event raised hopes of
early support. Wrapping up his speech, Stroup stressed the festival's
theme, "Stay high, come out of the closet, speak out, get involved
politically and let's finally legalize marijuana in America. There's
nothing wrong with smoking pot."
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