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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WA: Column: Drug War Needs A Better Target Than Cough Syrup
Title:US WA: Column: Drug War Needs A Better Target Than Cough Syrup
Published On:2005-10-07
Source:Herald, The (WA)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 11:30:10

Come on over, we'll get high as a blimp. I have enough
dextromethorphan to give all of us out-of-body experiences.

I tried to buy a large enough supply of a cold remedy with DXM
recently to treat sniffles, but I hit a roadblock at a drugstore. I
was stymied at the cash register, while out in the car, my very sick
granddaughter had a fever and her Grampie waited for headache relief.

Loaded with over-the-counter potential cures, I was caught like a

Starting this week, shoppers buying Sudafed must show a photo ID to
make a purchase. It's Washington's new stand against makers of
methamphetamine, whose recipes include the cold medicines ephedrine,
pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine.

DXM, also in cold remedies, isn't used to make meth, but kids have
discovered large doses can make them high or cause them to

In Canada this summer, I stocked up on allergy meds to avoid the
annoyance of showing my driver's license photo to pharmacists. I don't
like to sniff all day at my desk, so the little red pills come in handy.

I thought I might get stopped at the border, but the guard instead
confiscated hamburger and hotdogs we had bought at a Canadian Safeway
store. We were heading back from camping and forgot we couldn't
transport Canadian beef back into the U.S.. The border guard was so
tickled about saving the world from mad cow disease that he didn't
look inside my London Drugs bag.

When my family got sick, I loaded my arms with stuff, some with DXM,
to fight colds and headaches. It turned out I was not in compliance
with store policy. But neither was the clerk.

Those aiming to get a drug rush can do so by taking large quantities
of DXM, and Walgreens spokeswoman Carol Hively said the chain has
restricted its sale.

"Dextromethorphan is an effective cough suppressant when used properly
and according to directions, but it can cause hallucinations,
dizziness, brain damage, irregular heartbeats, seizures, loss of
consciousness and death when abused," Hively said.

"Nationwide, thousands of overdoses have been reported by emergency
room doctors due to abuse by young people."

She said DXM overdoses typically occur in clusters as word of the drug
spreads in teen circles.

So there I was at the counter with one bottle of everything for my
house and a duplicate bottle for my daughter's house. Caught with too
much medicine, the clerk became my hero when she offered to ring up
the bottles as two different transactions. I paid once, she rang up
the next batch, and I paid again.

When I mentioned the transaction to Walgreens, they wanted to know
which store I frequented. I didn't rat out the poor clerk, who was
probably scraping along making minimum wage.

"The cash registers will now prompt for identification when an item
containing DXM is scanned," Hively said. "If a customer appears to be
under 18, you must ask for proper identification. The cash register
prompts are the same as our current cigarette prompts."

Life gets more and more complicated. I can understand not selling glue
to huffing junior high school kids, but for crying out loud, I was
shopping for my grandchild.

Snohomish County prosecutor Janice Ellis didn't buy my granny

"Grandmas can be addicts, too," Ellis said. "That is what it comes
down to."

She said she understands why stores are being cautious about DXM
sales. State Attorney General Rob McKenna said there has been a rise
in the abuse of cough syrup. Watching sales is part of the drug war.

"This is all necessary because as the feds have cracked down on bulk
suppliers, meth cooks have shifted to supplies in retail stores,"
McKenna said. "It's a sensible step to take."

But, honestly, we can cruise from store to store to buy tons of
medications. Take aim in the war on drugs, but not with pea shooters.
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