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News (Media Awareness Project) - US HI: LTE: Prison Sentence
Title:US HI: LTE: Prison Sentence
Published On:2005-10-10
Source:Honolulu Advertiser (HI)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 11:22:14

Don't reward criminals with our tax dollars

If your prison series on criminals being shipped to the Mainland was
supposed to make us feel sorry for them, it backfired. It's that
liberal attitude that has turned this state into a criminal haven in
the first place.

I was raised in New Jersey, a state run by liberals like Hawai'i is
now. At that time, New Jersey had liberal drug and crime laws
accompanied by the drug and crime problem that goes along with them.
Most of my friends growing up were drug addicts and criminals.

Finally, New Jersey toughened their sentencing laws. My best friend
did eight years for growing marijuana. The same crime committed in
Hawai'i would result in no jail time. You know what? After that long
prison term, he no longer grows marijuana. My ex-druggie friends are
now all straight with steady jobs.

Life is about choices. Drug addicts choose to do drugs and steal from
the productive members of society. Why should their bad choices be
rewarded with no jail time and a free rehab on our tax dollars? Where
is the deterrent in that? Real prison terms are the only answer. I've
seen it work with my own eyes. Don't do the crime if you can't do the

Erich Wida

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