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News (Media Awareness Project) - US FL: Movement For Legalization Of Medical Marijuana Pushes On
Title:US FL: Movement For Legalization Of Medical Marijuana Pushes On
Published On:2005-10-20
Source:The Oxford Press (OH)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 10:21:10

BOCA RATON, Fla. (CNS)- Despite a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that
many considered a blow to the medical-marijuana movement, supporters of
such laws have pressed on with state ballot initiatives and lobbying
campaigns, the director of a marijuana-policy reform group told an audience
at Florida Atlantic University Wednesday.

Rhode Island is teetering on the edge of becoming the eleventh state to
allow patients to use marijuana medically, and two Michigan cities have
medical-marijuana ballot initiatives coming up in the next few weeks, Rob
Kampia, director of the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project said.

"If we had won the Supreme Court case, the federal government's war on
medical marijuana would have effectively been over," Kampia said. "The case
doesn't change anything. It just maintains the status quo."

The Supreme Court decided by a 6 to 3 vote in June that the federal
government has the authority to ban using and cultivating marijuana, even
for patients growing small amounts for their own medical use in states that
allow it. In the case, Gonzales v. Raich, two California women who grow
marijuana to treat serious medical conditions sued the government to stop
enforcement of the federal ban on the drug. The ruling didn't overturn laws
like California's that allow medical use of marijuana.

Kampia, who spoke to an audience of about two dozen FAU students, became
involved in the politics of marijuana after he spent three months in jail
for growing pot while a student at Penn State. His experience made him
angry, but it was nothing like what other marijuana users endured recently.
Among the stories Kampia told was one about a quadriplegic man in
Washington, D.C. who died in custody after he didn't receive the medical
attention he needed while in jail on marijuana-possession charges.

"DC has bigger problems than a quadriplegic who's using marijuana for
medical purposes," Kampia said.

The Supreme Court ruling indicated that Congress, not the Court, must
change the federal law, Kampia said. And his organization has moved closer
to garnering the 218 votes needed to pass a bill in the House of
Representatives. A recent vote on an amendment that would have prohibited
the federal government from spending money to go after medical-marijuana
users in states where it's legal failed. But the amendment had 161 votes,
more than ever before.

"We're probably not going to succeed within the year," Kampia said. "but
the end is in sight."
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