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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MI: Family Focuses on Quest to Free Man From Prison
Title:US MI: Family Focuses on Quest to Free Man From Prison
Published On:2005-10-29
Source:Oakland Press, The (MI)
Fetched On:2008-01-15 10:10:18

To Help

Gayle Garcia is asking supporters to help draft letters in support of
her brother, Larry Drum, to be released from prison. Contact her at
(810) 664-2556.

Relatives of Larry Drum have watched several motions shot down in
court and are now on their fourth attorney in their quest to spring
their 68-year-old brother and son from prison.

Drum, a former Lake Orion business owner, has served 14 1/2 years of
a mandatory life sentence in prison and is currently housed at the
Macomb Correctional Facility in New Haven.

His widowed mother, Ione, 92, is frail and uses a walker. She has
been unable to visit her son for four years but frequently talks to
him by telephone.

Her son, Gary Drum, said seeing Larry freed is "the most important
thing in life" for her. "That's all she thinks about and she prays
about it every day."

"It's a real heartache," Ione said. "For both of us. Especially for
me. And the rest of the family."

The seven surviving siblings of Drum are coordinating a
letter-writing and media campaign to appeal to Gov. Jennifer Granholm
to commute their brother's sentence. The former Marine and Ferndale
resident, who had no prior criminal record, was given two consecutive
10-year minimum sentences plus a life sentence under an old law
dictating mandatory life sentences for possession or delivery of at
least 650 grams - about 1.4 pounds - of cocaine.

Larry Drum was never addicted to cocaine but had slipped into casual
use during a difficult time in his life, said his sister, Gayle
Garcia, 51. The former head of several automotive detailing companies
was in the midst of a divorce from his wife of nearly 20 years, who
was moving with their two sons to Florida. Larry also had trouble
with a business partner but didn't talk about it much, she said.

He was arrested in 1986 for delivering 650 grams of cocaine in a
sting operation (the two 10-year minimum sentences were issued for
possessing smaller amounts). The intended recipient in the deal was
reportedly serving as a police informant to avoid serving a prison
sentence of his own.

The supplier, John Martin, was also arrested and was sentenced in
1991 to five years plus a life sentence.

Martin was released on parole in January.

Garcia, who lives in Lapeer, said her brother delivered drugs on only
two occasions. She said he was never paid in cash for the
transactions, only in cocaine for his own personal use.

"My brother, he's never had any priors or anything," she said. "He's
been an upstanding citizen ... he's been involved in the community."

His mother, Ione, said she didn't think the sentence was a fair one.

"It's a real tragedy," she said.

A Controversial Law Reformed

Larry Drum was sentenced under a 1978 law that established mandatory
life sentences for individuals arrested with at least 650 grams of
cocaine or heroin. The law, which came to be known as the "650 lifer
law," also banished the possibility of parole.

Enacted when the crack cocaine epidemic was sweeping through
Michigan's inner cities, the law was seen as a way to snare the
kingpins of notorious drug cartels like Detroit's notorious Young Boys Inc.

But in the years that followed, critics said the law, which was cited
as one of the least flexible in the entire country, succeeded mostly
at sending nonviolent, lowlevel drug offenders to prison for life, as
higher-up dealers avoided lifetime incarceration by having younger or
lower-level dealers make the actual drops. The law also was blamed
for an escalating prison population and the spiraling cost to
taxpayers of housing inmates.

In 1998, the Legislature enacted new sentencing guidelines that
created parole windows in life sentences at 15, 17 1/2 and 20 years,
depending on certain circumstances, said Russ Marlan, spokesman for
the Michigan Department of Corrections.

Then, in 2002, Gov. John Engler signed legislation effectively ending
the state's mandatory minimum drug sentencing, allowing judges
flexibility in determining drug sentencing.

Garcia said Larry's siblings decided to start a letter-writing and
media campaign after talking with a woman at the Macomb Correctional
Facility who used the same tactics and reported success in freeing
her son, who was incarcerated on a different offense.

Garcia said their campaign has so far generated several articles and
letters to the editors of local newspapers and earned letters of
support from officials, including state Sen. Mike Bishop of Rochester
and former Gov. William Milliken, who has regarded his signing of the
650 lifer law as a mistake.

"We have had a very huge response," she said, "way over 50 letters to
the governor."

Garcia said the family has turned to Oxford attorney Fred Miller for help.

Miller said he filed papers requesting the governor commute or pardon
Larry Drum's sentence earlier this week.

"If you look at his history, he's got no prior criminal records
before that, and he's been, from what I can tell, a model prisoner,"
Miller said.

The attorney also noted that the co-defendant is already out on parole.

Larry "was involved, he did this, he admitted it. But I mean, as this
law is written, there's no room for anything else."

Miller said this is the first case of its kind he's taken on. He said
he doesn't know whether Granholm will agree to commute Drum's
sentence, but he is hopeful.

Granholm spokeswoman Liz Boyd forwarded questions to Marlan, but said
that, to date, Granholm has commuted five sentences since taking
office in 2003 - all of them for health reasons.

Marlan said the state's 10-member Parole Board has yet to receive the
commutation request from Miller, which it must first receive before
voting to move forward with the process.

He said Drum's best hope is to receive a commutation from the
governor, since in his particular case, he won't be eligible for
parole until December 1 2008 - after 17 1/2 years in prison. And even
if he were to be paroled at that point, Marlan said, his two
consecutive 10-year sentences for the lesser convictions would then kick in.

A commutation order would cover all crimes, but "the likelihood of
the Parole Board even recommending the governor commute before he's
even eligible for parole is highly unlikely," Marlan said.

A Bitter Irony

The Drum family, which formerly stood 10 siblings strong, points to
another painful episode in its past

One of the Drum daughters, Shirley Ann Olson, was murdered by her
husband, Ano Olson, in 1974. Garcia said her sister, mostly unknown
to her siblings, had endured years of abuse at the hands of her
husband and left one day for a doctor's appointment and never returned.

Her body was found in the trunk of a car parked at St. Joseph
Mercy-Oakland hospital in Pontiac. She had been strangled to death
with a seat belt.

Police charged Ano Olson with murdering his wife. He was convicted of
second degree murder and received a sentence of 10-20 years in
prison. He was released in 1982, according to the state's Offender
Tracking Information System Web site.

"We all realize that (Larry) did something wrong and broke the law,"
brother Gary Drum said. "But the sentences that he got was life and
two consecutive 10 years. But my sister was murdered by her husband,
who got 6 1/2 years, and GM gave him his job back. So there's a lot
of animosity in my family toward the judicial system."

Garcia said the family's recent momentum and campaign to free him
have Larry Drum in good spirits. "For a long time I was worried about
his mental health because I thought he was giving up hope," she said.

Garcia said she knows her brother can one day make a meaningful
contribution to society again.

"To me, I have to say that I feel very good about this," she said. "I
feel better about this, I have to say, than I have in a long, long
time. I don't know how Larry will react if it doesn't work. ... Just
yesterday I told him about the governor's offi ce calling me and told
him about putting it in the papers and I told him about Governor
Milliken. ... It's phenomenal to us the response we've gotten.

"When I updated my brother yesterday, he said: OEI'm shaking from
head to toe. I don't know what to say.' His hopes are way up there.
Ours are, too. And I don't know what will happen if this doesn't
work. ... This is my brother's last chance."


Gayle Garcia is asking supporters to help draft letters in support of
her brother, Larry Drum, to be released from prison. Contact her at
(810) 664-2556.
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